Missing Carenado aircraft


SOH Staff .."Bartender"
When I log into my Carenado account I am only seeing one page of my purchases. I have made enough purchases over the years to have at least 2 or 3 pages of purchases. I have sent several support requests but don't appear to be getting anywhere. Does anyone else have this problem?

Because of this I am missing several aircraft that have been updated to P3D V4.1
Silly suggestion possibly, but did you actually buy them all from the Carenado site? Some of mine come from there but as many from Just Flight. Just a thought :)
Silly suggestion possibly, but did you actually buy them all from the Carenado site? Some of mine come from there but as many from Just Flight. Just a thought :)

I had the same thought. I have bought so many add-ons from so many places, it is hard to keep track sometimes.
Silly suggestion possibly, but did you actually buy them all from the Carenado site? Some of mine come from there but as many from Just Flight. Just a thought :)

My thought also. After checking my purchase info for my large list of Carenado aircraft, turns out I only purchased a few (3) direct from Carenado. The rest are from Just Flight or PC Aviator.

I always keep my purchase and download links for my aircraft in the original download folders, and in a special folder in my email program, plus all are backed up to DVD.
All but one has been purchased from Carenado. I purchased the Beech 1900 from The Flightsim Store.
All but one has been purchased from Carenado. I purchased the Beech 1900 from The Flightsim Store.

Thoughts on generating a support ticket with your associated emails verifying your purchases?

As a recent installer of P3D, I too thought I had purchased many more directly from Carenado, but alas my collection too was spread out over various sites. I have since cobbled together a checklist of all known add ons, placed in a Word document, that has my license key, purchase date, invoice number and vendor. Helps so much having everything in one document, though a bit tedious too initially generate.
When I purchase a new add-on, I immediately make a txt document where I C&P the emails that come from the vendor on the purchase. I then add this notepad file to the folder with the add one files. This way I have the S/N, password and email needed to install the add-on. I then make a backup copy of the folder on another drive.