Missing files


Charter Member
Guys --

I'm trying to find the repaints for the BF2C-1 on our website. When I try to find them, I get a message that they are not here.

Have we lost some files, or simply taken them off for more space?

Marc Burcham
There are still some issues with the download library's database...and the result is that some files are coming back as non-existant.

The best you can do at the moment is to be specific about what files you are looking for and hope that someone on the forum has them and will be willing to send them to you.

Check at Flightsim.com There are some files there. Don't know if they are what you are looking for.
Send me a PM with your e-address and I'll send you a copy.

Apparently they were only released here. I usually put my stuff on FlightSim as well, but sometimes just here, and this may have been one of those times.

I could upload again to the library here if others want them, but I suppose that most folks who want them got them when they were first released. So if anyone else wants them, let me know via PM. If a few people reply I'll send them copies. If more than a few, I'll upload them again.