Missing light effect + effect question


I am reviewing some aircraft light effects in ETO and I seem to be missing the following one in my effects.xml:


Could anyone help me to this? Much appreciated!

Secondly, a question for anyone familiar with creating effetcs: While reviewing these effects, I noticed that many aircraft lights disappear when viewed from aside. In many effect lines I encounter SideTexture="black.dds". Would this have anything to do with it? And so why not use the Endtexture .dds file for the side as well?
<ac_Light_tail_reflected ClassName="Lighting" LightType="Point" Lifetime="3" InitialDelay="0" FadeInTime=".001" FadeOutTime=".01" StrobeInterval="3600" StrobeRitm="1" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="0" RotY="0" RotX="0" Diffuse0="255 255 255" Diffuse1="255 255 255" Specular0="255 255 255" Specular1="255 255 255" Ambient0="255 255 255" Ambient1="255 255 255" Range=".12" FallOff="-.001" Attenuation0="2.5" Attenuation1=".5" Attenuation2="1" Theta="10" Phi="30"/>