Missing NAVAIDS etc after update


SOH Staff .."Bartender"
Since MSFS2020 updated to I have lost all my My NAVAIDS eg. VORs, NDBs, Intersections and Fixes. Also the Low and Upper level jetways are missing. Is anyone else experiencing the problem or is just me. I have also lost the taxi ribbon. BTW the NAVAIDs and Taxi Ribbon are turned on in the Options.
I can't help you Pat. All I have the patience to do in MSFS is fly a few minutes sightseeing. Strictly eyeballing it all the way.
Are you talking about the world map? If so, remember that you can turn them on in the filters option at the bottom of the map screen. To change the defaults, there's always Packages\Official\Onestore(Steam)\fs-base\worldmap\WorldmapFilters.xml that you can edit in order to change the defaults. I usually have to do this after every update.