Missing Pacific and other War scenery in P3Dv41


I know Mark (roger-wilco-66) is working on his Solomon package(and I'm sure several other projects too) so thanks Mark . We are all looking forward to it in 4/4.1 . I'm seriously thinking of re-installing FSXSE and only adding maybe ORBX FTX Global , mesh and all the excellent war related scenery . I had this before the 64bit P3D 4/4.1 came into the picture but ended up uninstalling FSXSE and keeping only P3Dv41 . FSXSE ran all the war scenery pretty good actually mainly because they didn't have to compete with any other scenery and they all were designed for FSX . I had no external AI traffic program running . Had on fighters , bombers and all the excellent 2 and 4 engine transports plus the default AC , that's it . . I had REX loaded for better water textures etc . Now that I've bored everyone I think I'll head over to Steam and and load FSXSE back up :running: . Boy what an a-s I was to get rid of it to begin with :banghead: . My primary sim is P3Dv41 of coarse . The 64 bit was a game changer for me . :applause: Hopefully one of these days a lot of this war scenery will be updated and compatible with 4/4.1 . I know a few devs have already started .

Have a great week-end everyone :guinness:

Mark's FSX Solomon scenery works fine for me in PD3 V4.

Sorry , I didn't explain that very well . He is working on the taxiways or something related to it and a few other projects we are all looking forward to . Mark is an excellent scenery maker and it quite innovative . I believe I read he made the Solomon Islands using P3D.Certainly have logged quite a few hours in the Solomons with Aerosoft's PBY .

Well, since I have the revised airfields I could make sort of a pre-release of just these files.
That's a bit difficult though because I have to take Sunlight Field on the Russell Islands out of the equation, which is completely new and with photo real ground textures and scenery objects that are not in the old version.

Man, that has become complicated.
