Mission Builder Crashes


Can't seem to get it up and running. First it wanted missing dll files, then did a separate fresh install just to run MB out of. I get the splash screen and then it crashes! :banghead:
One thing you should not if you are running mb on several installs; mb will still use the last used folder/install, so one has to check what insttall folder you are starting in and saving in.
I only ran it out of a new Vanilla install so apparently I can only edit missions from that install? I tried importing a PTO mission but it doesn't recognize Jap AC and facilities.....Much noodling around needed!
You need a mb in all installs. What I meant was that, even then, the mb you are currently using will still look in the last used folder, even if in a different install, unless you change it.
You need a mb in all installs. What I meant was that, even then, the mb you are currently using will still look in the last used folder, even if in a different install, unless you change it.
Yes, I figured as much. Right now, PTO is the sandbox I want to play in. Start off maybe by editing missions and work my way up. O-1 Driver created some awesome missions back in the day!