Mission Builder help


Charter Member
Hi guys...it's been awhile so I'm having problems getting the MB to work in my vanilla install...was there a trick to the path that I'm not recalling?
To be more specific, the path reads as follows;

start in:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\mb"

target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\mb\mb.exe"

So...what is it I'm missing or have forgotten to get the bugguh to work?
bump....By the way, as I was going thru some old discs I found a whole bunch of the test material from the initial inception of The ETO Project...very interesting stuff...I've also found a few items that cannot be found anywhere else such as the "longer trains" file that incorporates all the GC trains...I've got a wealth of files...it will take me a little while to sort them out but I'm on it...Now, if I can remember how the hell MB working I'll be a happy camper