Mission Builder question


Charter Member
Hi all

Does anyone know if it is possible to have different type of planes within the same flight? For example a Spitfire and a BF-109 in the same flight flying formation?

I'm just curious if there is a way to edit the mission file to do that for the final mission of the Battle of Britain series


Hi Chris,

It can be done for enemy and AI flights but not for your own flight.

I made a mission in OFF where I set up an enemy flight with several differant DrI's, Albatross V's and III's to replicate an encounter with Richtoffen's cuircus 1917. once you make the missin file you have to manually edit in the various names of the planes you want to use for each of the AI and enemy flights. I also did something similar by editing a BoB mission to use several Me109s to replicate a dog fight with the Abberville boys.

You could try making your player flight a single aircraft group and then tack its start position close to an AI group (that has multiple planes set up) which has the same mission goals and then just tag along with the group on the mission. This would give the impression of a squadron all with differant markings, but you would not be able to give commands rather your part of the squadron not the leader, and no warp as you would lose your ai flight.

You would need to build standalones of the plane in question (say a spitfire) then put on the differant squadron codes etc in each of the textures.

regards Rob.
You have to edit the mission using notepad/word..
Here is a example of how it looks when completed..

The CFS3 game engine doesn't like to do this in the mission builder..
As Master Rob stated..