Mission Building - Help: Bomber Missions


Red Two

I'm more than a little fed up when trying to build and test precision bombing missions e.g. 617 Squadron style (although I haven't got anything remotely worth uploading yet), that when I drop my bomb - be it a Tallboy or Grand Slam, so too does the rest of the flight, even if they are not over the target. Is there any way that the flight leader can direct an individual aircraft to commence its attack and then call in the next one and so on?

Hopefully there is some creative genius in the community who can figure out some way to work around this, :isadizzy: it has had me going round in circles for months now.:isadizzy:

Imagine the mess the Dams raid would have been if all of Wing Cdr. Gibsons' flight had released their Upkeep Mines moments after he released his!
Yes you can to a degree. The 'secret' is to select the target using the tab key and when you see the one you want in the tactical Indicator press 'A' attack key and two wing men will attack it. they'll always do it in pairs, If you want them all to attack the target you'll have to pres 'A' untill you've accounted for all your aircraft. Your no 2 is the last to go and he'll do it on his own. Be aware though that depending on terrain factors and others, you may have to wait a bit whilst they get into position. Even then there's no guarantees they'll hit it. The same goes for fighters attacking bombers etc. Another thing to think about is what to do whilst they are manouvering into position. Often I circle until they announce they've sighted the target, then I begin my run in. that way the flak is divided between you and the rst of your flight.

Toodle Pip Old Chap

Many thanks for the info, Beau, I hadn't realised one had as much control over ones flight as that, though it's a pity there isn't individual control over the 'wingmen', only as pairs.

By the way, I do like your website, especially the tribute to the 'Wooden Wonder'.

I also picked up the replacement ETO Zapper & Backup.exe which you host, an urgent requirement after McAfee so kindly eliminated my originals and keeps trying when it gets the chance - thank goodness for USB Drives.

Many thanks again.
No problem Red Two. I'm glad you enjoyed the site. As you've probably guessed the Timber Terror is my fav aircraft.