Mission crashes


Mad Dog

I have a situation where a mission opens in Mission editor and crashes in the game. I think something is missing in the install. The mission is "We Must Resist".
Any advice on how I can deal with this?
hi Mad Dog,
are you sure you've got all the files (aircraft, scenery, vehicles, effects etc.) needed for the mission?
Is there any particular error showing up?
Maybe the mission is build for cfs3 instead of cfs3.1(a) and the error has it's origin there (because they have the same missionbuilder)
Those are the only things I can think of. Not that I'm really into missionbuilding, but it it just might be it...
when that happened to me it usually was a missing facility, or a facility wrongly spelled or wrongly installed....

you could get closer by preparing e second copy of the mission xml file, then delete all facilities, try, feed in a few, try again etc.
...or check them one by one.......