Mission Crashes


Charter Member
I have downloaded the following missions:
1. "Graveley_airbase" series by SPQR33 and it keeps on crashing.
I have looked at everything that I can thing of, with no solution except that I do not have "Sweep1.Spawns" in my files and the "Directive = "Sweep1" is not recoqnized . Does these have any effect on the program and does anybody know how to fix it?

2. "Nachtjaeger vs Fortress Schweinfurt_Regensburg" by Mongoose44; it also crashes. Maybe "airdefense" spawns is the culprit? Where can I get that file? Any suggestions on anything will be greatly appreciated.

And by-the-way ETO Expansion looks and runs great. Thanks to all involved

Any help from anybody?

PRang :banghead:

The only one I can help you with is "Graverley_airbase." Scroll to bottom of mission and check Facility ID. These have to have number assigned.
Check your facility folder for number.

Hope this helps.
Thanks rcafmad

The Schweinfurt mission is working now; still do not know is the spawns are working.

On Graveley - I checked everything you mentioned. I have all the facilities and they are numbered; still it gives me "mission failed to load" I will keep on checking' it could be something simple that I am overlooking. I have changed Directive = "Sweep1" to just "sweep" since the game does not understand 'Sweep1".

I still do not have "sweep1.spawns". Will the mission still work even if I do not have that specific spawn??

I will keep on trying



The Graverley_airbase missions make reference to acc_electric_lights. Download these lights from SOH\Scenery\lights_ facilities_ zip. Page 3

This might be the answer.
Hello rcafmad :ernae:

I have narrowed it down to this line in all four missions on the "Graveley_field" series.

<Goal FacilityID="GR" Points="1" DamagePercent="15"/>

If I "comment out" this line, the game will not crash; but, then, I do not have a target to attack specially in the 'Gaveley Field Destroy" (Ju_88a_4) mission. The other three are mostly dogfights.

qclocation.xml does not have it listed; thou, global_layer.csv has it. ACC Graveley is 1942, I believe. Gobal layer uses CFS3europe1943.xml - a conflict? Scenedb has it listed as currently installed.

When I start the game and go to QC and I try to find Gravely it is not listed (gclocation???). The same with "GR"

The games have TargetID="9167" listed but I cannot find "9167" anywhere.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. In the mean time, I will continue with my search and fly those dogfight sorties and forget about destroying the field. They are a lot of fun

Thanks for your suggestions they were helpful. I have everything required for the game except for the "Sweep1.spawns"

PRang :cost1:

This has been a learning experience for me. I am new to CFS3 and the help form this forum is always available.

"GR" stands for Airfield Construction Corps-RAF Graverley 1942. It is available from SOH. Read it carefully.
Problem solved :jump:

It had to do with the way Scenedb places the new airfields that was causing the problem. Thanks to Clive :applause: :medals: that resolved this problem for me and now I can play the games with a minor problem to solve.

Thanks to everyone for their help :ernae:
