Mission Editor..



Somehow, somewhere, in the uninstalling of P2 and the install of P3..I have "lost" the OFF Campaign Editor.

Where do I get it??

This exact location...assuming a default install.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\mb

Create a shortcut to it on the desktop, then in the shortcut properties, edit the "Start In" field to read "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\"

Hit Apply and you're done.


Parky- Thanks for the reply..however there is no mb file in my CfS3 folder. I know there should be but there isn't.
I do have that folder in MAW and PTO main folders, but when I copy and paste into CFS3 the Mission Builder doesn't work. When I do the same in OFF it doesn't work either.
If this means a reinstall of CFS3,,then I guess I'll pass..everything is running smoothly in OFF3 and I don't want to go through another uninstall etc. I was hoping I could find the missing mb folder somewhere and drop it into CFS3 main folder...

If this means a reinstall of CFS3,,then I guess I'll pass..everything is running smoothly in OFF3

I would think that a reinstall of CSF3 should have no effect on you OFF install. OFF is a separate install that uses its own copies of the CSF3 originals, so there should be no 'cross-contamination' between the two installs. But then, I have never tried it to know for sure.