Mission Failed to Load


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Mission failed to load.jpgMission failed to load.jpgJust got back into CFS 3 and found this in some missions,is there a cure somehow,iv`e played around with the files but no go,any help out there?
Alcan Allen.
First step, Make sure you have all the proper aircraft, vehicles etc. If it's still doing it, most likely an error in the XML. Do the other similar missions load?
Hi Alcan Allen,

Is this in CFS3 or CFS3-BoB?

These missions were done by Wulfmann for CFS3 stock and there
is a lot of work to do to set these up like AZGunslngr says.

BUT, I believe Mr. Mongoose has already jumped thru all those
hoops and placed them in CFS3-BoB. Just tried that mission in
CFS3-BoB and it worked great, except I got shot down right away...
Mission Fails to Load

First step, Make sure you have all the proper aircraft, vehicles etc. If it's still doing it, most likely an error in the XML. Do the other similar missions load?

Yes the others are ok,but in other missions the odd one does also fail to load.
