Mission fails to load


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Help!what am i doing wrong,i find and load necessary aircraft install guns,pylons,weapons etc and place the facility,spawns etc but clicking on "fly"the missions fail to load,iv`e two mission files now that do this,other files work ok,where to now!
Hi alcanallen,
if you have missionbuilder installed, then open the questionable missions in missionbuilder it should show you what the problem is.

Cfs3 mb

Thanks iv`e found the site.downloaded and installed,opened,but there is no edit facility pointing to a mission already in the historical/what if mission folder,please be patient i`m new to this but have the time and inclination to produce missions.
Thanks iv`e found the site.downloaded and installed,opened,but there is no edit facility pointing to a mission already in the historical/what if mission folder,please be patient i`m new to this but have the time and inclination to produce missions.

Hi alcanallen,
I'm sorry my help is not too specific because I am away from my cfs3 computer. If you are able to run mb.exe, then it can be used to open the mission.xml file which you are having problems with. It should let you know where there is a problem, so long as the mb.exe resides within the install which contains your problematic mission.

So you don't have to produce missions, the mb.exe can be used to check/problem solve with existing missions. For example, it should identify if your install is missing a facility file called by the mission, or an aircraft.
Thanks but!

Hi,iv`e installed MB in my MAW main page and opened it but can`t see a way to open the problem mission,this is where i need some guidence,
Thanks i may have it!

Hi,iv`e installed MB in my MAW main page and opened it went to the problem mission and found ''DR_antiaircraft_battery_1'' FACILITY TYPE is defined in the facilities folder,now this makes sense,now to find a facility that fits methinks,that`s odd i found the facility and checked all in mission and that`s how it reads

</FrontLine> <Facilities>
<Facility ID="9276" Type="dr_antiaircraft_battery_1" Lat="N36*12'11.7677"" Lon="E15*9'10.4510"" heading="90" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9275" Type="dr_antiaircraft_battery_1" Lat="N36*12'35.5011"" Lon="E15*8'21.2919"" heading="90" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9274" Type="dr_antiaircraft_battery_1" Lat="N36*13'20.4313"" Lon="E15*7'22.8016"" heading="90" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9273" Type="dr_antiaircraft_battery_1" Lat="N36*14'13.8291"" Lon="E15*6'44.6558"" heading="90" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9272" Type="dr_antiaircraft_battery_1" Lat="N36*14'57.9145"" Lon="E15*6'17.5449"" heading="90" Country="Britain"/>
I do notice the id numbers go down where as others like the aircraft id numbers go up could that be the problem?
More bad news iv`e opened others and the all have errors but work in MAW so i haven`t a clue now.
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I'm guessing the problem is the MB itself. Missing_MB.htm (found in The Desert Rats folder of your MAW install) has instructions for installing MB. If you installed MB directly in MAW, then that could be the problem. I'll try installing MB directly, in an old copy of MAW, and see what happens.