Mission fails to load


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I have two very nice missions by "PRang"they are ETO Bay of Biscay Intrusion and ETO Bay of Biscay Intrusion(escort) the problem is when in CFS3 ETO Rev 5 i get the Mission fails to load on both,i can overcome that by all Goals in both files,has anyone any clue as to why this happens,all`s well in Rev 4,i`m a little stumped here.

Hi alcanallen, do you mean Era 5 and Era 4? Presumably its the usual thing of having the right global layer (global_layer.csv and gsl.lib files) in place to support the facilities required for the missions? If you have the ETO missionbuilder set up, you can check that the right era is installed properly, by opening the mission file in the mission builder. It will soon tell you if any facilities are missing (meaning that the global layer files have not shifted to the correct era).
Hello Gents,
I think Alcanallen means that they worked in Revision 1.4,
but not in Revision 1.5. I've looked for these missions to
try, but can't find them. Could you point me to them?