worst developer ever
If you're looking for a plugin for XP10/11 to provide a sense of purpose to your flying, try Mission Generator. For $15, you'll get randomly generated missions an an experience and skill point based progression system.
It still has a few bugs (my first flight did not register and modified default airports may be mislocated), but I'm confident those will be ironed out with the next update.
I'm still missing MI Tool in XP and don't have the time to remake it from scratch for XP, so Mission Generator will have to do for now.
It still has a few bugs (my first flight did not register and modified default airports may be mislocated), but I'm confident those will be ironed out with the next update.
I'm still missing MI Tool in XP and don't have the time to remake it from scratch for XP, so Mission Generator will have to do for now.