Yep, I think the only thing that is missing is an animated canopy. Great site. . .thanks Mike.No updates to my knowledge, falls under the title of " If it aint broke dont fix it" LOL . . . . .Cheers! Mike
Yep, I think the only thing that is missing is an animated canopy. Great site. . .thanks Mike.
Yep, I think the only thing that is missing is an animated canopy. Great site. . .thanks Mike.
Maybe reading the manual would have told me that and of course having been an Egress Tech on the F-16 for 16 years, how to open the canopy was something I knew very well. I simply assumed that the normal shift+E was all that was needed. Thanks.Falcon, you have to manipulate the canopy "octopus" on the left cockpit wall before you can actuate the canopy motor.
I have Mitsubishi F-2A, and visited the site that Flyboy208 to check out the repaints for the F-2A, but something on the site caught my eye. There are 2 repaints for a F-2B 2 seat version. Does anyone know where this version can be downloaded :mixedsmi: ?