Mitsubishi mu-2 training program


Charter Member
Hi Everyone,
I worked with PAD to create and release the MU-2, and Im currently working with them to get a few more variants released. Before we released the MU-2, I started working on a training program for the MU-2. I have been an instructor for several virtual flight schools, and I have earned any number of virtual ratings and certificates with them. For those of you that have tried flying this aircraft a little bit, you definitely realize that this aircraft is quite a handful compared to other aircraft in its category. I have developed a structured training program working with an MU-2 owner/operator. Anyone whom is interested, please let me know!

Joe Zerilli vATP/vCFII-M/vAGI/
Zach Gualardo vATP/vCFII-M/vAGI
Certified Virtual Multi-Engine Instrument Instructors
PAD Authorized Mitsubishi MU-2 vSFAR IP’s
Northeast Aviation – Orange County Airport, Montgomery, NY. (KMGJ)


The Mitsubishi MU-2 is one of the fastest, most versatile business turboprops available in business aviation. With a maximum cruise speed of almost 325kts, a service ceiling of 28,000 feet, and a maximum range of almost 1500 miles with reserves, the MU-2 can be a handful to fly and manage. The MU-2 demands type-specific operating techniques like no other propjet. However, this aircraft can be a phenomenal aircraft in the hands of the right pilot. This training program will address several important areas of the aircraft. They include:

• Aircraft General
• Handling Characteristics and Basic Aircraft Operation
• Flight Controls
• Flight Instruments and Avionics
• Aircraft Electrical System
• Pneumatic System
• Master Warning System
• Landing Gear and Brakes
• Ice and Rain Protection
• Engine Operation
• Normal Operating Procedures
• Abnormal Operating Procedures
• Emergency Procedures
• Idiosyncrasies
• Cabin and Exterior Feature Operation

Flight Simulator Specifics:
For this program, we will be using the Mitsubishi MU-2 produced by Premier Aircraft Design. This model has been selected for its advanced realism and systems modeling. The Flight Training portion of this program will be done in your aircraft, meaning that you must have the PAD MU-2 and have a VA or private livery installed. This also means that you must ferry your MU-2 from your home base to our facility in Montgomery, NY. If you are not current in the aircraft, we will provide you with a ferry pilot to accompany you on the flight. The training will be tailored specifically to your aircraft every step of the way. Your instructors are qualified individuals that you can count on. They all have thousands of hours of experience in the sim, and most of them fly high performance aircraft in real life. Some even have real MU-2 Experience.

The Program:
Training in the MU-2 with Northeast Aviation is a greatly rewarding experience that teaches you everything you need to know to safely operate this aircraft under all weather conditions. You will learn how flying this aircraft differs from flying your average turboprop. Our program runs on your schedule, meaning that there is no pressure for getting hours in with our instructors. The overall course is about a week long, with about 35 hours of flying, however these variables are different for each student. We teach on MSFS2004 ONLY. Our instructors are fully qualified to instruct in both the long and short body aircraft, so there are no compatibility issues. Our Teamspeak server provides a relaxed classroom environment to learn about this aircraft on the ground. Once in the air, we will not waste your time or ours. Our practice areas are less than five minutes from the airport, and there are a wide variety of nearby airports to practice short field and instrument approach operations, most notably Stewart (SWF) and Duchess County. There are also numerous airports within twenty minutes of Orange County that can be used to teach landings on paved, but unimproved strips. We will teach you how to use the MU-2 to the standards set down my Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. What we WILL NOT do is teach you how to operate the aircraft in a way that exceeds factory or book standards.


• Hold a Virtual Private Pilots License
• Possess a Virtual Multi Engine Rating
• Instrument Proficiency (STRONGLY Preferred but not required)
• Virtual Commercial Pilots Certificate (Preferred but not required)
• “Own” a Mitsubishi MU-2B/E/F/G/K/L/M/N/P/Solitaire/Marquise
• Be able to bring aircraft to training facility
MU-2 Training

I am interested in discussing MU-2 training with you. Please contact me.
Just a reminder to those that have read this thread, as well as those that have asked me about MU-2 training:

This program is entirely virtual, and does not meet the requirements of SFAR108.