MJ C-47 v3.14 – [SMOKESYSTEM] not working


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In preparation of an event (Market Garden) I need to have the effect dropping paratroopers working in P3D4. With a small modification I have this effect working throughout all versions of P3D even P3D4. For some reason it stopped working. I tested the effect file with the Visual fx tool from the SDK and it works fine, but somehow it cannot be activated with the smoke instruction. In the Key assignments in P3D smoke on/smoke off is connected to the I key. I know that a few gauges in the MJ C-47 does not work in P3D4. Is there anyone to helpme out with this? Is it difficult to build a small gauge to activate the smoke instruction? Thanks in advance.

Here is an exhaust gauge I use in Dino's S-3B

You need to put it in the proper gauge folder and edit your panel cfg to list the gauge.

It is very simple and you need to edit the 70 percent to something that is more consistent with a DC-3 and change the Gauge name also.

It turns the smoke on and off for 1 & 2 settings in the SmokeSystem.

I had help putting this together 3 years ago so I am sharing it.

It works in P3D V4.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Gauge Name="Exhaust_S-3B">
(A:General eng pct max rpm:1,percent) 70
> if{ 1 (>K:SMOKE_ON) }
els{ 1 (>K:SMOKE_OFF) }

(A:General eng pct max rpm:2,percent) 70
> if{ 2 (>K:SMOKE_ON) }
els{ 2 (>K:SMOKE_OFF) }
With the effects file in the effects folder and the two textures in the effects\texture folder,
the parachutists should appear with the I key.


If you have the files that stop them spreading out into shapeless lines, I would be grateful for them.
Russ, thanks for the reply. I'll see if I can change that in something that drop paratroopers.
Ncooper, the spreading is due to a negative number in the Scale Rate or Scale. Make that positive like Scale Rate=1.
Did not see a link to the gauge in your post?

Just copy and paste the text in Notepad or similar text editor and save the file as xml file.

For the Viking it is Exhaust_S-3B.xml

That is all you need. You don't need a gau file.

I put all my special little files in a gauges sub-directiry I named Smoke

Here is what the entries look like in the panel.cfg and the aircraft.cfg



;1 = left DDI
;2 = right DDI
;3 = center DDI

gauge00=S3B_EFIS!S3B_ADI, 0,0,512,480
gauge01=Smoke!Exhaust_S-3B, 0,0,10,10
gauge03=Smoke!Flap Vortices_S-3B, 3,3,0
From the aircraft.cfg file. And yes I don't use SMOKE.0.
My mentor told me to start with 1 and don't use 0 at all.

SMOKE.1 = -25.5, -8.00, 1.25, fx_S-3B_smoke
SMOKE.2 = -25.5, 8.00, 1.25, fx_S-3B_smoke
Smoke.3 = -40.50, -13.55, 1.75, fx_ALPHA_T6_WTVortices
Smoke.4 = -40.50, 13.55, 1.75, fx_ALPHA_T6_WTVortices
//Fore-Aft, Left-Right, Up-Down

Got is working again

Got is working again

Thanks for the instructions, Russ. What kept me puzzled was the fact that it worked fine before. So I used your instructions to produce smoke and that worked. The smokesystem is ok. I had already run a repair of P3D Client and Content. Now I downloaded a fresh copy of the MJ C-47. I modified the paratrooper effect file to get rid of the spreading (change: X Scale Goal=-1.00 into X Scale Goal=1.00) and hurray!, it works.