"Moddi" effects on Multi-Play


Charter Member
Still havent pin-pointed all the little effects that keep me off the multi-player. Now I dont use the NEK,and decided not to use ETO,so Im guessing
only stock-players are able to connect with me. But what about having an
add-on plane that you have modified,such as added a bomb-load type,
(even if its not on the "posted" mission?).

If my "posted" missions are stock planes,shouldnt stock players or just who else should be able to connect with me? There could also be an
internet issue I still havent figured out yet.
Still havent pin-pointed all the little effects that keep me off the multi-player. Now I dont use the NEK,and decided not to use ETO,so Im guessing
only stock-players are able to connect with me. But what about having an
add-on plane that you have modified,such as added a bomb-load type,
(even if its not on the "posted" mission?).

If my "posted" missions are stock planes,shouldnt stock players or just who else should be able to connect with me? There could also be an
internet issue I still havent figured out yet.

:kilroy:Wyld45, I will explain this again.

1. You should have a clean, fully-updated (3.1 and 3.1a) CFS3 install in order to host an online game, or install any of the add-on stand-alone games (ETO, PTO, MAW, etc). If you don't have the two updates installed, and in the proper order, you won't be able to join or host a game, nor will the Add-on stand-alone games work properly.

2. If you host any game, everyone who tries to join must have the same planes you are using. That is, those that you have selected in your collection. That list is located in the "Host Game" part of the Multiplayer tab.

3. If you are using Vista, your only hope of playing online at all lies in Post #1 in this thread: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=9007. Please do EXACTLY what Deadmeat1971 says to do. Only Vista users need to do this, for both hosting and joining.

4. Any modification of the XDP file of any stock aircraft will cause a mismatch for players trying to join your game, and you will get a mismatch for that same plane when trying to join someone else's game.

5. It is highly recommended not to use NEK in an online game, as most don't have it installed.

6. I can't recommend this enough. You should have two CFS3 installs on your computer. One to stay vanilla for online play and for installing add-on stand-alone games, and the other for modding to your heart's content. To do this, you should have Martin Wright's MultiCFS3.exe, available here: http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/ (Follow the pathway CFS3/Utilities/Multi Install/MultiCFS3 when you gat there. Simply click on the yellow dot to download).

7. CFS3 can only connect to CFS3, ETO can only connect to ETO, PTO can only connect to PTO, etc. Note: All parties oinvloved must be running the exact same version. Example: ETO 1.20 to ETO 1.20, PTO 1.54 to PTO 1.54, etc. Again, the host cannot have extra planes in his install, unless he does not select them for use online at the time of hosting, or the joining players have the exat same extra planes installed in their games.

I hope this helps.:d
Sorry Grizz!,(do appreciate your time though!) Just seemed like so many different issues,(what being on
my end or vice-versa). Thats why I went back to straight stock and also I did NOT configure any of
the STOCK aircraft. By the way,you did point out a new one on me, and I might have seen it but
didnt think of it at the time, but Martin Wrights multi install may be one thing I'll look at.

Now as far as my "created" missions,does the other player have to have it in his folder too,
or does the game play straight out of mine? Maybe thats what I didnt understand about the way
the game puts everyone on the same "page".

Another big issue would probably be, "who in the world plays just "stock" anymore??

Thanks Grizz, <<S>> ....and yes,I did install those patches sir!
Sorry Grizz!,(do appreciate your time though!) Just seemed like so many different issues,(what being on
my end or vice-versa). Thats why I went back to straight stock and also I did NOT configure any of
the STOCK aircraft. By the way,you did point out a new one on me, and I might have seen it but
didnt think of it at the time, but Martin Wrights multi install may be one thing I'll look at.

Now as far as my "created" missions,does the other player have to have it in his folder too,
or does the game play straight out of mine? Maybe thats what I didnt understand about the way
the game puts everyone on the same "page".

Another big issue would probably be, "who in the world plays just "stock" anymore??

Thanks Grizz, <<S>> ....and yes,I did install those patches sir!

:kilroy:Wyld45, only the host needs the mission xml installed. The guests don't.

MW MultiCFS3.exe is the greatest thing since sliced, white bread, speaking in the context of CFS3, that is.

It allows you to do exactly what it was intended to do, and that is to allow more than one install of CFS3 on your computer.

Here's a common procedure:

1. Start with a clean, fully-updated (3.1 and 3.1a) vanilla install.

2. Make a copy of it in your Program Files/Microsoft Games folder.

Note: When you do this, you will have a folder with the name of "Copy of Combat Flight Simulator 3". That is the one into which you want to put the MultiCFS3.exe.

3. Extract the MultiCFS3.exe from the zip file it comes in.

4. Now install it into your new Copy of Combat Flight Simulator 3 main game folder.

5. Double left-click on it to run it. When you do, you will get a little window. In the upper left-hand portion of this window, you will see a horizontal box. Make a new name for your new install in this box. Once you have typed in the new name, click the accept button and close this window down.

Note: The new name can't be any longer than the original name of Combat Flight Simulator 3.0.

6. Go into Program Files/Microsoft Games, find the new folder named Copy of Combat Flight Simulator, and right-click on it and rename it to reflect the new name you made with the MultiCFS3.exe.

7. Now you can either make a folder on your desktop to hold your old desktop CFS3 start icon and put that icon into it, or go into your new main game folder, find the cfs3.exe file, right-click on it, rename it to reflect the new name you created with the MultiCFS3.exe, and right-click on it again and send to the desktop as a shortcut.

Note: When you start CFS3 immediately after installing it, a pair of identically-name folder are created in your Windows XP Application Data/Microsoft and My Documents folders named Combat Flight Simulator 3.0. Windows does not give the option of more than one pair of folders in these two locations, so that multiple installs will conflict with one another and either not run right or not run at all. MultiCFS3.exe gives you the ability to create a differently-named pair of folders in those two locations for the new install. You must also change the name on the main game folder of each new install to match the new name for that install. You are only limited by the amount of space you have on your hard-drive. You must be careful to have start icons with different names on your desktop, preferably either in a suitably-named folder or simply renamed. make very well sure that when you rename you start icons, you keep the part of name that reads ".exe".:d