Model Converter X question


I read here some time ago that Model converter X can convert CFS2 airplanes to FS9 static objects. I have been trying to do that but I have not been able to load a CFS2 aircraft model into Model Converter X.

The installation instructions say that Model Converter X requires Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0, which seems not to be available any longer from Microsoft. There are Service Packs available for .Net Framework 2.0, but but they are incremental, not cumulative, and will not install in the absence of 2.0, which is no longer offered. I have .Net Framework 3.5, which includes a 2.0 Service Pack and claims to build upon 2.0, but apparently doesn't actually include the basic 2.0.

It occurred to me that maybe Model Converter X might be one of the long and ever-growing list of FS-related programs that won't work on post-XP versions of Windows, but when I tried to install it in Win7pro's virtual XP machine, it wouldn't even install. In Win7pro it installs and starts, it just won't load a CFS2 model to be worked on.

Does anyone have Model Converter X working in Win7?

Does anyone have a copy of the .Net Framework 2.0 installer that they could send me a copy of?

Does anyone have any other ideas on the matter?
I'm using Netframework 4.0 and have got ModelconvX working in Win 10 and I can load models up in it. I just don't know what to do with them once they're loaded.
I have MCX working just fine in Win7 Ultimate. Not sure about converting CFS2 models to FS9 but they convert to FSX ok. Don't think I have .net 2 knocking around but I'll take a look.

EDIT: I don't have Netframework2 installed.. just 4.5.2;)

I'm using Netframework 4.0 and have got ModelconvX working in Win 10 and I can load models up in it. I just don't know what to do with them once they're loaded.

I wish I could get to the point where I have to figure that out! :dizzy:
I have MCX working just fine in Win7 Ultimate. Not sure about converting CFS2 models to FS9 but they convert to FSX ok. Don't think I have .net 2 knocking around but I'll take a look.

EDIT: I don't have Netframework2 installed.. just 4.5.2;)


I have .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5 installed.

I haven't got to the point of trying to compile a model/object in FS9 or FSX. I can't even get a model to load into MCX to start working on it, and MCX doesn't even "know" yet what sims I have.

Very annoying!
I don't think it will know where they are by default Mick.. in fact, they can be anywhere. You start the process rolling by hitting the 'Import' button in the top LH corner then you navigate to wherever the model you want to look at is;)

I don't think it will know where they are by default Mick.. in fact, they can be anywhere. You start the process rolling by hitting the 'Import' button in the top LH corner then you navigate to wherever the model you want to look at is;)

That's how I tried to get started. I hit Import, navigate to the model I want to work on, select it, and nothing appears in the box that should pick up the file name of the model I selected. It's not any particular model; I've tried several and can't import any of them. It's as though I didn't make a selection. I click the mdl file and the selection box disappears, as it should when I select something, but nothing hets selected and the box containing the file I tried to select remains empty. No error message, no nothin', just nothin' at all.

Someone sent me some material that I must now study in detail. I should also study the manual in greater detail, not just peruse it as I have so far.

But if it's really a matter of not having a required .NET Framework version, nothing I do will work. I wish I knew if that was it, or if it's something I might hope to resolve. When I got version 3.5 I recall the description making it sound as though it incorporated all earlier versions, but elsewhere MS says that .NET doesn't work that way, that the versions aren't cumulative.

OK, I see...

It's not that the program won't load models. It will load models. Some models, that is. Maybe even most models. Just not the ones I want to load!



Thanks for the attempts to help!

I've just downloaded the latest version Mick and for the first time, when the new version is first opened.. I see a warning saying 'MCX requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtime files for importing and exporting some formats. Please make sure this version is installed'. When opened for the second time.. the warning has gone. Do you have MS Vis C++ 2015 runtime files installed?? By chance I do as it was a requirement for an FSX model to function:dizzy:

Hi Mick,
Yes, unfortunately a lot of CFS2 models will not be 'read' in MCX, any version of MCX. Those that were made with GMAX and newer ones should(not always?!) show up, those made with old versions of FSDS and those using AA for ani's won't.

BUT there are ways around it. You can manually use MDLC to convert a CFS2 MDL to a scasm file and then import into MCX. You can use MDLC manually to convert the MDL to an Fs8/9 file and then import (you will lose all the ani's but that doesn't matter for a static model), and then there are some 'dark' ;) ways to do it!

What ac/object are you trying to convert?


I've had all the runtime files since day one of flight sim many years ago.

At first I couldn't get MCX to do anything, then an able assist from a fine Belgian gentleman got me started on the right track. Now I can run the program, load and convert models - just not the two models I was trying to convert yesterday! I tried a couple others and they loaded and converted nicely.

Yep, as Shessi suggested, the two I couldn't convert are both very old FSDS models, Paul Clawson's Grumman FF-1 and Brewster F2A Buffalo.

I guess I could go through the process Shessi described but that sounds like more trouble than it's worth. Both of those planes work fine as AI, so I can still put then where I need them like I have at several Navy bases in the past. Not a big deal.

Meanwhile, I now have MCX up and running, and the next time I want to convert a CFS2 model it will probably not be such an old one and it will probably work.

Thanks to all who commented and offered suggestions!
I use an old but fast XP machine for all my modelling and sim flying, as it works well, and a Win 10 64 bit for all other things, with a KVM to swap between the two, onto the same of both worlds really.

Got Clawson's FF-1 into MCX and then into FSDS, modded for on the ground look..see attached and then exported as a scenery bgl, see attached, for you to place where ever...let me know.



ps Couldn't find Clawson's Buffalo?
Nope that won't work!

This is an 'empty' object. Some objects/mdls just won't convert, being a bit rusty I thought I was losing it, lol. Just tried all the tricks and nada..sorry!

Link to the Buffalo will prob give same results, but we can try!


Thanks Mark!

Alas, I can't open the bgl to adjust the coordinates, but that's OK. I won't ask you to do that because it's not really necessary.

There is another issue with that model that precludes a single static model, even one that can be placed in various locations. Not all of the tail is textured, so in order to paint the planes of the two regular Navy squadrons and several reserve squadrons tha flew it, each with their own tail color, I had to make separate models for each tail color and color the requisite bits in the desired color. So for it to be practical I'd have to be able to select any of those models to convert, depending on what squadron I needed for that application, quickly and easily. As it is, I may as well just keep placing the FF-1/SF-1/SF-2 as AI, as I've done so far wherever I needed to - including the situation I was working on the other day when I thought I'd try MCX.

I wonder if my fiddling with the model material had something to do with my being unable to load one of my modified models while you were able to load the unmodified original. It seems unlikely, but who knows what little thing might affect a piece of software.

I didn't think any of Paul's models would be hard to find, but when taking a quick loo around I was reminded that Thicko also made a CFS2 Buffalo, and it's undoubtedly newer than Paul's and will probably convert easily enough. I'll have to grab that one and paint it in pre-war colors and markings. That should be worth the effort even if it doesn't convert to a static model; it will give me a newer and perhaps better Buffalo.

Right now I have no need for a static F2A. That just happened to be the first other CFS2 plane that fell to hand when I couldn't load the FF-1 and decided to try another one. It was just coincidence that it happened to be another of Paul's very early planes. Had I picked something else it probably would've worked and I wouldn't have had to post my question here.

I sure do appreciate your time and trouble!

I have just downloaded Thicko's B239, which corresponds to the US Navy's F2A-1 and -2, and Franzi's pre-war US Navy skin, which will serve as a basis for skins depicting all the section leaders of both US Navy squadrons that operated the F2A. Who knows when I'll get around to doing the painting; I suppose it will be the next time we get a stretch of bad weather that keeps me from going out to play.

If you have Instant Scenery or similar.. you should be able to move the model to wherever you want. I don't have the full model but downloaded the zip Shessi posted and dropped it into my FSX Addon Scenery/Scenery folder to have a look in MCX. It loads ok except for the missing textures. There's a coordinates dropdown in MCX that would allow you to put it wherever you want too though I've never used it and fear it may be restricted to one use. SAMM2 will also let you place objects though I found it too unfriendly (too much reading required) to be of use. Instant Scenery is a clear winner here.. if you can get the model you want to convert that far!!

I find converting to BGL /b works more often than SCASM /a dose when trying to get a model to load into Model Converter X. Even had a few Paul Clawson models in over the years.
I'm getting lost here but have continued fiddling:biggrin-new:

While I couldn't see the scenery.bgl Shessi made using Instant Scenery.. I could see it fine in MCX so.. having downloaded the necessary FS9 SDK's, I converted the scenery bgl to an FS9 object.mdl then created a scenery bgl from that using LibraryMaker. I dropped the new scenery.bgl into addon scenery/scenery and the textures into addon scenery/textures then ran IS in FS9 (having rerun the installer module because I didn't have IS installed in this version of FS9!!!) and the FF-1 shows up great and can be placed with ease. It's only the one paint of course so this wouldn't solve your multiple squadrons problem but that's another story. If this file will be of any use to you Mick, I'll be happy to upload it;)

Thanks. Tried that..still empty object.
If you wouldn't mind, give it a quick go, as these odd mdls/bgls really bug me..grrr!

Dave, yes it will show in MCX but not in the sim. There may be a setting in MCX which needs tweaking to allow what is seen in MCX to export/transalate to the sim?


This is from your original upload and converted to an FS9 object.mdl then added to a scenery.bgl..

A very round about way of doing it but it does work;)