Model/texture question


Charter Member

Can someone tell me if there is a way to find out the names of texture files an aircraft model file is calling on?

I have just revived an old plane from my hangar - the E-2C Hawkeye by Abacus - and I have realised the main reason I haven't used it in a long time is there is a texture showing problem. There are 3 interior texture files that are present but not appearing in the sim - they are named 'ÿnterior', which makes me wonder if it is a naming issue (I have tried changing them to 'interior' but with no success).

Cheers. A.
Is this the one from FD? I would presume all interior textures are handled within the panel.cfg. I can't help there but there are those here who can.
This is indeed from Flight Deck 5. Not overly impressed with the package - uninstalled long ago, but kept back a couple of aircraft.
Open the model file with a hex editor like Free Hex Editor (frh ed 156 Free Hex Editor) and look in the right side window. In among all the other code, you'll see the names of all the texture files that the model calls upon.

Curiously, this doesn't work with the other hex editor I have, HV132 (frh ed 156 Free Hex Editor) so if you don't have a hex editor, of if this trick doesn't work inthe one you have, then get frhed. I don't recall where I got it, but I'm sure Mr. Google can find it for you.
Until a much needed updated one is in the works, you might try Rick Sasala's Hawkeye for FS2002. It looks better than the FD ones and has some repaints too. I can post my updated flight dynamics for it if you go that route.

My message was a bit confusing I think.

frh ed 156 Free Hex Editor is the one it DOES work with.

Hex Editor HV 132 is the one it does NOT work with.

But you knew that,, right... ?
Cheers Mick - the one I downloaded is frhed v1.6 and it works, but I don't really know what I'm looking at. There does seem to be references to the .bmp files amongst the gobbledygook with other characters around the names, and I think there is some disparity regarding that y with an umlaut. I tried editing so the hex and file names matched (sort of..!) and all it did was crash the sim.
Not to worry - for an Abacus job the Hawkeye has a pretty decent visual model so I think I'll try and stick with it (probably needs a better flight model) - and I don't see the missing textures as long as I keep looking forward (probably the best way to fly, anyway!)

Cheers, A.