Modelers should jump on this...

It'd be nice if it were that easy. Try asking Craig about converting existing models - stand well back when you do!

It took me 5 minutes to convert the Ju88 to a 3ds model and open in max. Nice model needs some detailing but there are some very nice parts in the model. If the others can be converted that quickly, making AI's is snap!

Well here is a pick of the 190 in 4.2 max. It took less than 2 minutes to convert. The models need work, but they are first rate.
i d love to do a new fw 190....

do you need g max..on the same mashine as cfs be able to do a/c??
@ nacht...what software are u using????...if turbo u ahve to have quake ????

All you need is gmax version 1.2 from turbo squid, a lot a patience, time, more alcohol, and a good artistic sense.
I was personally looking at the MiG-21, I know several people here who would love that one. And yes ndicki is right, it's not as simple as just "a few tweaks" to get them into CFS3, I was exaggerating. My point is just that there are some models available that people might like to convert to CFS3.

Not all are Gmax models, some are FSDS source models which require you to convert them to .3ds format and then import them into Gmax. I don't think this is very hard personally, I use a program called CVA Converter.

Please be aware that the models will be taken down after a few days so get them while they're hot!!!
It'd be nice if it were that easy. Try asking Craig about converting existing models - stand well back when you do!
Yes, I have converted and finished a number of orphans and I can verify that it is rarely a simple task. I've adopted my last orphan, that's for sure. The conversion itself is easy enough. It's finishing the model which is the problem. This is because:

- Few modelers build proper LODs
- The texture mapping is a mess and usually has to be redone
- None of them have virtual cockpits to speak of
- A host of other modeling "sins" invariably need to be fixed

If you want to build a particular aircraft for CFS3 (leaving aside the virtual cockpit), I think you should just build a quick version yourself in gmax. You'll learn more, have some fun, and it can be a very rewarding experience. Aspiring gmaxers can check out my tutorials for a cradle-to-grave (or bitmap-to-boom n' zoom) tour of the process.
I have a wonderful line in teapots and flying saucers, but other than that, I'm not very much use in GMAX. Good thing I can paint instead! It strikes me that only a very select few are able to do both... :mixedsmi:
How about using some for mapping and skinning practice? I've only one (unfinished) model to my repertoire so far, so a bunch of different models to practice on seems like a good thing to me. Got all the gmax models; thank you Starspeeder for the heads up! :applause:

Welcome to the madhouse, ronny.....:isadizzy: :banghead: :mix-smi:
It took me 5 minutes to convert the Ju88 to a 3ds model and open in max. Nice model needs some detailing but there are some very nice parts in the model. If the others can be converted that quickly, making AI's is snap!

Well here is a pick of the 190 in 4.2 max. It took less than 2 minutes to convert. The models need work, but they are first rate.

Okay no one else is going to ask then I will, How did you get a 3ds file out of gmax??
(AFAIK) Export to FS8 or 9 using makemdl, but use mdlcommander to intercept the intermediate (.x ?) file. Use third-party software like 3dexploration to convert the intermediate file to .3ds and import that directly into Max. Never tried it myself, I don't use Max, but reports say you will still have to do a bit of work on the result to have a usable model.

There's been a bit of discussion about this lately, but I don't remember where....
He says he converted it to a 3ds file. That's the part I was curious about.And by the way why doesn't 3dexploration accept gmax files? How many times do I have to email them to get a plugin? LOL 3d exploration a similar program for modeling objects ingames???
edit...found a script that can translate 3dmodels into gmax