Models lost in the pipeline?


Charter Member 2016
As you'll know, I've been a bit out of touch for a while, so I'm a bit out of touch... And I was wondering if anyone had any updates about some of the aircraft models I remember hearing about, or tested myself at some stage. First, there was a Tempest Mk.II which seemed promising, but which I've heard no more about. Then wasn't there something about a late Typhoon with the sliding canopy? Both sound like they'd be highly valued additions to any stable, but mine in particular!
Hi Nigel,

Tempest is Tom's handy work and the version I have for testing is smashing. The Typhoons, yes we are working on 6 versions, all coming along very nicely with new loadouts to boot.

MkIA 12 guns solid rear canopy
MkIA 12 guns with partial glass canopy as used by 56 sqdn late 40 early 41
MkIb early 4 cannon car door with partial fairing over canons
MkIb early 4 cannon car door with full fairing over canons
MkIb late 4 cannon 3 blade prop sliding canopy
MkIb late 4 cannon 4 blade prop sliding canopy

and there's also a couple of P61 black widows in the last stages of work as well.

regards Rob.
Brilliant news, Rob! Looking forward to both.

One of the things I've always wondered about the P-61 is what it would be like as a light attack bomber - with a gun nose, bomb pylons inboard of the engines and rocket pylons outboard... I did one for CFS2, where that sort of thing is easy to set up, and it was pretty convincing!