Modern Aircraft

Tom Burnside

Charter Member
Hi guys im new here Ive seen that there are alot of Warbirds on here. But I was wondering does SOH make modern aircraft repaints.
Seeing as SOH is 'The Combat Flight Center' there are correspondingly more warbird re-paints in the library but there are also many civilian repaints of all sorts too (mostly GA of all types but very few airliners and the ones that are there are likely to be classic airliners).
Oh, I'm very modern. I've acquired a load of vintage types over the years, but I've become a very modern flyer. I simply love modern GA and even some small jets, like the ERJ and Citations! I stick with SOH because the GA mindthink is closely allied with the vintage affinity. They're both very much in the "stick-and-rudder" family.
Jets, frequently derided as "tubeliners" of the general sort of the 737/47/57/67/77/87/Airbus/etc. sort, are not really my interest, though. I may be unusual among my peers in not really finding interest in modern military aircraft, either. I think you will find that this set of likes and interests in fairly common here, though perhaps others find more joy in vintage and modern military planes than I personally do.
Thanks guys but im looking for a couple of paints. I want to find some RAF repaints for SectionsF8s F-86 Sabre and some repaints for Kirk Ollsons Mirage F1.
Hi Tom, for all thing Mirage, look here-----
if its for Kirks F1, you'll find it at that site.
But you may be out of luck for RAF repaints for the Sabre, a later model F86 as used by the RAF was in the pipeline but the developer has stopped work on it, so its unlikely to surface in the near future, Kirk also did a good F86 thats got some good RAF paints, use them myself, that you may like to try.
cheers ian