Modern Airliners (and maybe not so modern)

Tom Clayton

Staff member
OK, so I'm shamelessly copying Roger! Sure, they're called "shop heaters," or "hair dryers," but there's still thousands of users that like to fly them - myself included. Today, it was the Project Airbus A380 from Bangkok to Hong Kong. Personally, I don't bother with anything smaller than a 777-300 or the new 747-800F. I love the challenge of landing the biggest planes out there! If you're a Boeing fan, then you probably already know about Free Sky Project, aka FSPro, and Airbus fans will likely know the name Project Airbus.

Oddly enough though, I prefer not to fly them as an existing airline. I prefer private paint jobs. So most of the time, I'll just take the paint kit and slap a small reg on a plain white paint and and fly it as if it was a budget charter service. That may seem counter-intuitive on an A380, but then, it is a simulator! If the entire population of Whitsett NC (735) want to pool their resources and take a trip to London, who am I to say no!?

I also love just about all of the older three-holers like the 727 or the L1011 (Eric Cantu's L1011 unfinished model is currently being reworked by FSPro), and the freeware MD-11 from Overland is also an old favorite.

So, who else out there likes airliners? Do you have a preference? Speak up!
The Tinmouse B737-200 is my favorite along with the Flight One B727 series.

Also the early Vistaliners 727 & 737 series, along with anything by Erick Cantu and Kittyhawk.

Oldies but still good.

I'm on the Airbus bandwagon, that new PA A380 is a real treat... shame theres no Trent 900 soundsets yet... or none that i know of.... plus anyone know the shockwave light Co-ords on this thing? :icon_lol:



images from Project Airbus Forums, older images these too... and i believe they're working on a VC for it... they have a cabin one out so you can sit back there.

ahh more recent.....
Except for "OPERATED BY CLAYTON AIR" by the front door and a small reg on the back, that white one is exactly what my Airbus looks like!:icon_lol:

For sounds, I use Emil Serafino's Trent 800 sounds. I could be completely wrong, but I'm betting there's not a huge difference in the sounds. Be sure to get the update file too:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Sound FS2004 Rolls Royce Trent 800 Series Sounds
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 38,322,478 Date: 06-02-2005 Downloads: 9,481
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Rolls Royce Trent 800 Series Sounds For The Boeing 777. All of the sounds included in this package were carefully taken and chosen from some of the best Trent 800 recordings around, ultimately giving you an awesome, powerful crystal clear stereo experience in Flight Simulator. By Emil Serafino Jr. (FS Sound Project). (See also TRNT800U.ZIP)[/SIZE]
Yes to airliners!
Airbus anything rates high in my book.Lockheed,Ilyushin and Tupolev sometimes but I don't care for Boeing products,except one certain 73.
View attachment 27038View attachment 27039
Airbus A318 Elite by Project Airbus.
Boeing 737-490 by 50 North,Tinker Bell textures by Mike Mahat.

hey Horus, know where i can find the PA A320/321 and related paintkits? did a quick search but nothing turned up. also Tom does an An225 count as an Airliner? they were planning to build one to PAX spec years ago... :icon_lol:
hey Horus, know where i can find the PA A320/321 and related paintkits? did a quick search but nothing turned up. also Tom does an An225 count as an Airliner? they were planning to build one to PAX spec years ago... :icon_lol:
You may have to do some creative searching, but Avsim and Flightsim should have the files. As far as the Antonov, I suppose it might slip in a (large) side door...:isadizzy:

Shockwave 3D lights setting for PA 380

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi
light.0 = 3, -111.35, 0.00, 7.80, fx_shockwave_navwhi_l ,
light.1 = 2, -111.35, 0.00, 7.50, fx_shockwave_strobe_l ,
light.2 = 1, 50.60, 1.45, 17.90, fx_shockwave_beaconh ,
light.3 = 1, 50.60, -1.45, 17.90, fx_shockwave_beaconh ,
light.4 = 1, 8.30, -0.40, -11.80, fx_shockwave_beaconb_l ,
light.5 = 4, 110.00, 0.00, 7.25, fx_shockwave_vclight ,
light.6 = 6, 53.00, 17.00, -2.50, fx_shockwave_landing_light ,
light.7 = 6, 53.00, -17.00, -2.50, fx_shockwave_landing_light ,
light.8 = 6, 105.00, 0.00, -12.50, fx_shockwave_landing_light ,
light.9 = 6, 105.00, 0.00, -9.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_double ,
light.10 = 5, 53.00, 17.00, -3.50, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_narrow ,
light.11 = 5, 53.00, -17.00, -3.50, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_narrow
hey Horus, know where i can find the PA A320/321 and related paintkits? did a quick search but nothing turned up. also Tom does an An225 count as an Airliner? they were planning to build one to PAX spec years ago... :icon_lol:

Come to think of it Smoothie I don't know if I have ever seen a PA 321!? I have only used the 318.
But Simviation and probably Flightsim and AVSim have the 320s.

Eric Cantu has let Historic Jetliners Group (HJG) use his unfinished L1011 TriStar. They've got it up for download now with a bunch of paints, two different panels, improved flight dynamics and a new sound set. I've always liked the big Lockheed as the first trip I ever took commercial the last leg was on a Delta TriStar.

Another I like is the HJG 727.

My favorite jetliner is David Maltby's Comet 4.

But I really like the old propliners. Jens Kristensen makes some good ones. I'm really fond of his Boeing 307 Stratoliner, Douglas DC-4 and Canadair Argonaut. Manfred Jahn's L749 Constellation is another favorite.

Come to think of it Smoothie I don't know if I have ever seen a PA 321!? I have only used the 318.
But Simviation and probably Flightsim and AVSim have the 320s.
Project Airbus released so far are:
318-319-320 and 380
For a 321 I suggest the IFDG model.
The only airliner that I fly as a passenger carrier is the stock 747....but most of the time I fly it with the weight/payload cut down to just the pilot and co-pilot (no passengers, no luggage, no stewardesses) and fuel cut down to just 8000 gallons in the center tanks. Then I flip the bird over on its back, 500 feet or so above ground level, smash the throttles to the fire wall and watch as my inverted airliner gets oh so close to the speed of sound.

Most of the time when I am flying an airliner..usually one with round engines and props...I do so with the mind set that I am hauling goods and supplies rather than people. I am a cargo hauler at heart.
