Modern Fighters


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I saw some modern jets and helicopters for CFS3 in the forums
Are these available as I can't seem to find any files.
This question get asked so often it's scary. I guess it all depends on your defenition of "modern". There are a few Korean war era aircraft available. As for more recent aircraft there are only two fully complete packages available for CFS3.
They are both produced by LAGO and are payware (not free):
LAGO F-16 Fighting Falcon:
LAGO Tornado:

You should also know that due to the limits of the CFS3 game engine both aircraft lack many features such as avionics, weapon systems, etc. and the flight models are hardly realistic. However they are fun to fly and see in-game.
The Apache is the creation of our own Mr. Stars_speeder (Greg) and it was mostly finished with the exception of a cockpit. I have the Lago Falcon, the flight model out of the box was terrible. I tweeked it and I think its very close to the way it flies in Falcon 4.0 which is supposed to be very realistic. Never having flown an F-16 its hard to say for sure. Once upon a time someone was working on a Mig-29, that would be a worthy opponent for an F-16. Don't know if that will ever materialize but that would be a great addition to CFS3's modern fleet of aircraft.
Fighters don't have a lot of need for bombs, and nobody carries that many missiles of the sort that you need in air to air combat. Typically four short range and four medium range air to air weapons.

You can carry a lot more smaller munitions, but that's for practice and air support. Most numerous weapons are on things like the A-10 Warthog and the Sukhoi SU-25 which the Russians call the Rook but NATO designates as Frogfoot.

For air superiority the F22 is probably the best, it has efficient supersonic cruise, good stealth and excellent manoeuverability. All in all it would be hard to beat. It is only likely to have a hard time in contrived situations, like gun combat with an Su37 or Eurofighter Typhoon... maybe. Even then I suspect it would win. Maybe an excellent British or German Typhoon pilot against a typically over confident young F22 pilot?

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