
Charter Member

Anyone know how to slightly modify the cfg file on the ALPHASIM H-19 to make them fly not so nose-down all the time?

Thanks in advance,

The mod you want really has to be done in the .air file. However if the overall CL is too high reducing the lift scalar might work.

Cheers: T
Since helicopters fly by "vectoring" the thrust of the main rotor I'm not sure how much you can really change the attitude in forward flight, the faster you fly the more you have to tilt the rotor disc.

In real helicopters the rotor blades can flex allowing the rotor disc to tilt relative to the mast, and most modern helicopters have elevators on the tailboom that can pull the tail down in cruise. I'm not sure that FS can simulate those.
I have always had a wish to be able to adjust this attitude in helos. Sadly there are models that should, for instance, hover with a positive pitch as the real ones do but instead they must be level to hover in FS. It's too bad this aspect was maybe overlooked because it would add that final touch to some remarkable efforts. All I know is that it can't be done in the aircraft cfg. But sometimes you can game the game a little by changing the first value in the Main rotor, position, if it's there, in the cfg and give some relief to excessive +/- pitch in flight.
I have airedit. I mnight try something with the airfile (I'll save it first though! :wiggle:)
If you've ever flown the S-55, you know what I mean. I've seen them in cruising flight before and they just don't look down that much!
