Modifying the aircraft.cfg file


Charter Member
Hi friends,
Just seeking some quick guidance. I have owned a copy of Abacus' Fly the airbus Fleet for a while. The landing characteristics and roll rates on their A-318 is simply terrible and unrealistic.

I have much better behaved freeware A-318s for FS9, and i was wondering what lines in the aircraft.cfg file should i copy from the well benahed a-318 into the abacus A-318 to make the latter fly and land like their former?

Thank you,
Instead of doing that, try using the .air file instead. Copy and rename it. Save a copy of the original.

The air file has all the flight characteristics built into its tables. The cfg file simply allows you to tweak them.
I would also copy over the aircraft.cfg file, after renaming the original one aircraft_old.cfg. It also contains lots of flight dynamics information.

Here's how I do it:

1. Back up the plane's folder to another location for safekeeping.

2. Rename the aircraft.cfg file to aircraft_old.cfg

3. Copy the AIR file and the aircraft.cfg file of the plane that flies properly into the plane's folder.

4. Open both the copied aircraft.cfg file and the aircraft_old.cfg file using Notepad or Wordpad.

5. Copy the top sections of the aircraft_old.cfg file (headed by fltsim.0, fltsim.1, etc.) and overwrite the same part of the aircraft.cfg file.

6. Copy the following sections from the aircraft_old.cfg file and paste them over the same sections in the aircraft.cfg file, replacing them:

a. Contact Points
b. Lights
c. Views
d. Effects (if desired)
e. General (if desired)

7. Copy the sim= line from the aircraft.cfg file *of the plane that flies properly* and paste into all the sim= lines of the new aircraft.cfg file.

8. Save the new aircraft.cfg file. Restart FS.

Now that aircraft should fly like the other plane.

If the COG and reference datum positions of both planes are not the same (in the Weight and Balance section, usually 0,0,0), then this method will not work without a lot more work, but this is unusual (except for the default aircraft).

Hope this helps,
Instead of doing that, try using the .air file instead. Copy and rename it. Save a copy of the original.

The air file has all the flight characteristics built into its tables. The cfg file simply allows you to tweak them.

How can you do this? I thought the air file needed a special program to open and modify it.
In this case, there's no need to modify the air file - just copy one of the freeware air files into your Abacus folder, make a backup of Abacus' original, then rename the freebie to match the original so that the cfg can find it.

If you want to edit the air files, look on for It's not that hard to edit most things, but you can really get one knotted up if you're not careful. Just remember to backup your original and you'll be safe to play around.