Wish I could say when I am going to put up a game in advance, but the best computer I have for off2 is at work, and as you know,,,the best laid plans,,,,,,,,,
So rather than post a game will be up at such and such a time, and then have something come up,,,,I give as much notice as possible when I see that i will have the time,,,,and then try and fill the commitment..
but,,,would love to have you join, and most of the people (like me) have only been doing mp for a couple months, so you are not going to be going after "seasoned" pilots by any means. And we all bend over backwards for new players...
If you can get teamspeak, thats always a plus. Really helps to be able to talk to the other pilots....even if you dont have a mic....
but look forward to seeing you in the air......
just so you know,,,,there is a game going up shortly (730ish edt)