Monitor help!


Charter Member
Any of you technical guys, have any pointers regards flat screen monitors, do I need to watch out for any nasties?
My old fossil CRT has began to die, getting an intermitting problem with it screwing my colour up,(really bad news for skinning:icon_lol:) so I think it's time to upgrade!
Probably looking at a 19inch job, unless I can squeeze more cash!:mixedsmi:
Only one. If you have to decide between an Acer monitor and saving up more, save up more. I learned it the hard way and bought an LG not so long after getting the Acer. Sure, it works and everything but the difference in colour reproduction is about the same as looking through clean eyeglasses and those you wore when you made a few dozen crêpes.
Sounds like you might have to do more then save for the new monitor John! Sounds to me like this might involve flowers and a very expensive romantic dinner!! Of course after all that, you might not have the money to buy the thing anyway,lol
Look hard at as big a monitor as you can possibly afford. A 19" job is unlikely to run bigger than 1440x900-ish; a 20" monitor is not too dear and mine runs 1680x1050. A 20" monitor is minimum for that size to be usable, a 22" monitor would be better still.

Look online - Amazon, dabs, Pixmania, Scan - for as long as your existing monitor will let you! The plus side is your eyes will love you for it: I can work away at gmax a whole evening and it doesn't screw my eyes up.
Cheers fellas, that's usefull stuff!:ernae:

Scott, that's not so useful, but probably correctl!!:icon_lol::173go1:
Hi John,

I agree with the guys above,
I just bought an LG 22 inch monitor, and its head and shoulders above my old 19 inch monitor. in fact I liked it so much for my work PC I now have 2 22 inch monitors running side by side.

regards Rob.
I've had real good luck with Samusung too when it comes to decent color reproduction on LCD. LG, as already posted, is another good brand.

And if you're looking at widescreens (which is about all you can find nowadays), seriously consider going for at least a 20".
A 20" widescreen will have about the same vertical height as a 17" standard format screen.
Right now, I've got two Samsungs. A 19" 1280x1024 paired up with a 22" 1920x1080. Both of them are nearly the same vertical screen height.