Morane-Saulnier MS760 Paris by Restauravia

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The Restauravia team is pleased to make its Morane-saulnier MS760 Paris available to the community,
declined for the moment only for P3D V4.5.

As usual, it can be found HERE.

Thanks to Ricardo for his great screens!








Strange plane like Bf-108 with jet engines :biggrin-new:, anyway thank You!

More like a four seat Fouga Magister..

Always loved the old Tim Conrad model, so this new one is a welcome addition to the hangar!
Does it absolutely have to be installed outside P3D?
Probably not but it is a no brainer if you just let the installer do it's thing. Otherwise maybe to a temp folder and then move things around.

I've been flying it for a few days and it is a nice aircraft. A nice update from Piglet's FSX version a decade ago.
Awesome! I also really loved the Tim Conrad model, and spent many, many hours flying that. This model looks fantastic. Thanks Restauravia.

Thanks for this awesome freeware!

I do have a problem though with the version Marbore II that shares the cockpit with the version VI. In the latter, panel is OK but in the former panel shows up but with no gauges.

Does anyone has this issue - no gauges in version II?

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Hi ega
Try to copy the gauges in the marbore VI panel and paste them in the Marboret II panel.
Otherwise, you can find all the gauges in the gauges folder after installing.[/FONT]
Hi ega
Try to copy the gauges in the marbore VI panel and paste them in the Marboret II panel.
Otherwise, you can find all the gauges in the gauges folder after installing.

Thanks for the suggestion - yes, I have done that but even so, I see no gauges in version II, go figure...
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