More Alpha/virtavia freeware

ian elliot

Oh boy, looks like their Victor has been released as freeware, off to check it out now, merry x-mas Virtavia guys :icon29:
cheers ian
Handly Page Victor

Downloading now Ian. Thanks for the heads up.

For those of you without a link to the Alphasim/Virtavia freeware page, here it is:

Thanks once again to the crew at Virtavia for making all of those great planes freeware! I generally buy a payware plane from them now and then to say thanks for the freeware planes that I've purloined over the years.

Here's a nice video to watch while you downloading your new Victor.

Watch for the U2 landing about a fifth of the way into the video.
Thanks for the H/U Ian! I bought the payware version a few years ago and it is still a great looking model, with an excellent 2D and VC.. even by todays standards. Both bomber and tanker versions were included in the package. It's a bargain at a freeware price now!

I am so grateful Alphasim/Virtavia for releasing the Victor! I purchased it way back in 2005(or 06,can't remember)and only got to fly it once thanks to a computer crash and it was lost forever.
I am so happy to have it back in my hanger!!!:jump::jump::jump:
Dreams(no mater how simple they are)can come true.

Over at Flightsim, UKMIL has numerous texture packs for the Alphasim Victor, for the Prototype, B1, K1, and K2 versions. These are 32bit textures with additional panel lines, some of the "Hemp" versions have nose art from Desert Storm. All are very nicely done and are authentic repaints for the Alpha Vic. Just search "Victor, Alphasim" (without the quotes.).

I suspect I am having a senior moment but I don't have a 2d panel for the Victor.In the panel folder i have 3 BMP's, background, electric panel and Navepanel,along with the gauges. Should'nt there be a Mainpanel BMP or something simular? The VC is fine.

Regards Paul Day.
I did not see a 2D panel either and the VC is largely non-functional, meaning very few clickable items so pop ups must be used for most things.

You guys aren't having senior moments... the payware Victor came with a 2D panel as well as a VC... the freeware version does not. Not real sure what the reasoning behind the decision to remove the 2D from the free Victor was, but for what it's worth... the free version's VC has some of Alpha's newer gauges in it. They also left the sound file intact, so I reckon there is a trade-off.

I have the payware Victor and I had to do a side-by-side comparison to be sure. At any rate... it's still a very nice model, and all of UKMIL's exquisite repaints fit it perfectly.

I bought the FSX version 2 years ago and it did not have a 2D panel (my payware package is identical to the FSX version that was released as freeware). But there is a 2D panel around for FS9: Look for the FS2004 Handley Page Victor Mark One Package by Chris Hodgson, it is still available on Simviation.
The FS2004 Handley Page Victor Mark One Package by Chris Hodgson uses Kaz Ito's Victor panel. The Alphasim FS2004 HP Victor has it's own 2D panel in addition to the VC. I don't have the FSX version of the Alpha Vic but suspect that when Virtavia took over, they re-vamped the model so that it would work in FSX, and eliminated the 2D. Phil at Virtavia would know the answer for sure.

The older Alphasim FS2000 models are still floating around somewhere as a big D/L pack on a couple of the major sites, and if for nothing else the original 2D panel bitmaps are there. I have used them to recreate some other Alphasim freeware releases, as well as to spice up some models with lacking panel images.