More fun than a Barrel-Fighter full of monkeys!



It's done and uploaded to SOH in two formats, 888-8 and DXT-3.

I finally got around to working up the VMF-211 Squadron Insignia for the tail. I guess the antenna posts are keyed to the model file, they are the same for all variants, yellow on the tail and black on the wings, so I could do nothing to them. I plan on totally reworking the wings in the next few days, so look for an update. All I did to Aeroplane heaven's wing textures was correct the tip underlap and the trailing edge black spots. I did work up new Alpha Channels for everything.

Enjoy and get OBIO's sound package for the F5F-1 and his sound.cfg for the F3F-2 in my Pensacola thread.

One other little thing, I noticed that when the prop ws at full throttle or when it was at any set rpm, it was neutral in the sim. It would only look like a real spinning prop when I accelerated or decelerated .

To fix this, open your aircraft.cfg for the AH_Grumman F3F and below each variant, enter this below the ui_variation=????????.


Remember, do this for each variant.








Nice indeed.
I checked the plane (dowloaded some time ago but never really tested with attention required :) )
As you can see in some of the above pics .. the tailwheel contact point need a correction and it's also a strange phenomena as the exhausts flammes (effects are located in the lights section) continue to appears after the engine is shut off :) (maybe a gauge problem ?)
BTW the suggested sounds (Pensacola message) are very good.
As you can see in some of the above pics .. the tailwheel contact point need a correction and it's also a strange phenomena as the exhausts flammes (effects are located in the lights section) continue to appears after the engine is shut off :) (maybe a gauge problem ?)

My XLM editing skills are not great, but I have tinkered with the XLM exhaust gauges from some of the Alpha Sim freeware stuff....maybe I can luck my way into an exhaust gauge to handle exhaust effects on radial it to the smoke system instead of the lights. No guarantee, mind you, but I will give it my best and honest efforts.

My XLM editing skills are not great, but I have tinkered with the XLM exhaust gauges from some of the Alpha Sim freeware stuff....maybe I can luck my way into an exhaust gauge to handle exhaust effects on radial it to the smoke system instead of the lights. No guarantee, mind you, but I will give it my best and honest efforts.


OBIO, the F3F has exhaust smoke on start-up and exhaust firing effects built in with the lights. But the lights have to be on. I have not seen a landing light effect.

Also for you contact gurus, is there any way to raise my contact points for the landing gear? Does the landing gear sink in in your terrain? It may be because I have the FSGenesis 38-meter DEM terrain mesh. But even so, I should be able to raise the contact pints.

I did the shockwave lights on this bird last night. I also added in an effects section to the config. I will post them up tonight cuz I am dieing here in work right now ;).


Raising the contact points :

The first line is for tailweel and the two others the main wheels !

point.0=1, -12.80, 0.00, -1.35, 3200, 0, 0.40,45.0, 0.30, 2.5, 0.90, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0, 235
point.1=1, 1.40, -3.91, -5.10, 2200, 1, 1.13, 0.0, 0.45, 2.5, 0.83, 4.5, 4.5, 2, 0, 235
point.2=1, 1.40, 3.91, -5.10, 2200, 2, 1.13, 0.0, 0.45, 2.5, 0.83, 4.5, 4.5, 3, 0, 235

You must play with the numbers in bold

If you put -1.5 (for tailwheel) it will raise
Same for main wheels

45 in red is the steering angle of the tailwheel

You must reload the plane each time for seen the change result.

On my install .. only the tailwheel sink a little in ground (like in the pics)
I need 1.52 for perfection

I use Aircraft Container Manager it's more easy sometime


Hope it's help

Raising the contact points :

The first line is for tailweel and the two others the main wheels !

point.0=1, -12.80, 0.00, -1.35, 3200, 0, 0.40,45.0, 0.30, 2.5, 0.90, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0, 235
point.1=1, 1.40, -3.91, -5.10, 2200, 1, 1.13, 0.0, 0.45, 2.5, 0.83, 4.5, 4.5, 2, 0, 235
point.2=1, 1.40, 3.91, -5.10, 2200, 2, 1.13, 0.0, 0.45, 2.5, 0.83, 4.5, 4.5, 3, 0, 235

You must play with the numbers in bold

If you put -1.5 (for tailwheel) it will raise
Same for main wheels

45 in red is the steering angle of the tailwheel

You must reload the plane each time for seen the change result.

On my install .. only the tailwheel sink a little in ground (like in the pics)
I need 1.52 for perfection

I use Aircraft Container Manager it's more easy sometime


Hope it's help

Many thanks Claudius,

How does one obtain the Aircraft Container manager?

I have an XLM gauge modified to work with the exhaust effects, set to use the smoke system instead of the lights, but I can not get the exhuast effect into place. No matter how low I set the effects, they will go no lower than 1/2 way down the cowling. I can move them forward and back all I want, side to side like crazy, but they just won't do the limbo. It looks a bit odd having exhaust flames up toward the middle of the cowling.

Does anyone know of any exhaust effects that are freeware that I can try on this puppy?

OK, finally got time,


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit,5=landing
light.0 = 3, 0.96, -16.20, 4.35, fx_shockwave_navred,
light.1 = 3, 0.96, 16.20, 4.35, fx_shockwave_navgre,
light.2 = 3, -16.750, 0.00, 1.70, fx_shockwave_navwhi,
light.3 = 2, -8.85, 0.00, 3.05, fx_shockwave_strobe_sm ,
light.6 = 4, -5.150, 0.00, 0.98, fx_shockwave_vclight,
//Starboard Exhaust
light.7 = 3, 3.21, 1.45, -2.00, fx_exhaust,
//Port Exhaust
light.8 = 3, 3.21, -1.45, -2.00, fx_exhaust,
light.9 = 5, 0.10, -10.45, -1.30, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail_old,
light.10 = 5, 0.10, -10.45, -1.30, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light_sm,
light.11=8, -10.80, 0.00, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_dirt_s // Engine 1 dirt, dry mud, clay surface types prop dust
light.12=9, -10.80, 0.00, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_gravsnd_s // Engine 1 gravel, sand and short grass surface types prop dust
light.13=6, -10.80, 0.00, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_watrsno_s // Engine 1 water, snow and ice surface conditions prop mist

Effects (some need payware):
wake = fx_wake
water = fx_nicks_tchwater
dirt = fx_nicks_tchdirt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_ALPHA_HD_Td
windshield_rain_effect_available = 1
startup= fx_R4D_Cranky_Old_Bird_2

Smoke (for Nicks prop dust):

//smoke.0= -30.00, +7.70, 0.00, fx_smoke_w
smoke.0= -6.00, -10.80, 0.00, fx_nicks_watrsnoland_s // Engine 1 water, snow and ice surface types prop dust

I can't seem to find a dusty area yet to test out the propdust but it should be fine. When I finally find some dirt, I'll make changes if needed :wavey:

LouP :ernae:

Don't know if it's true or not, but I've heard that the chief agricultural product of Arizona is dust. You might want to try the dust effects out someplace in Arizona.

LOL. Just found an airport full of coral dust in the Bahamas and I am happy to report all works great :jump:. What a mess I made. :monkies:

LouP :kilroy:
Not to change the subject, but, I've seen screenshots and short videos that had shockwave lights. The lights have such a bright intensity. I've considered getting it. Is this a product that can be used on anything aircraft? Also, how hard is it to get set-up? Are the light settings the same as what's listed in the lights section of the aircraft config files?
Hey Ole,

The Shockwave lights are a great product. After you first get them, you'll probably be flying at dusk, dark or dawn for quite a while. :applause: You can add them to any aircraft. I've found that sometimes the coordinates need to be fudged a little from what is already listed but sometimes the same ones work just fine. Also, there is a library of set-ups for the lights at A2A.

I like the sounds of that. I'll investigate further after work. I like the looks of the real thing.

Thank You