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Charter Member
I downloaded PAD's Saab 340B the other night, and took it for a spin. Great flier, but was surprised to find that I had no extra lift from the flaps, which made landing a real challenge. Tried tweaking the flaps lift_scalar in the .cfg file, but was again surprised to find no response, no matter how much I boosted the scalar.

So, I sent off a note to support through the PAD website, asking if they had any ideas. Within 2 hours I had a very nice response from Bob May explaining what the problem was, and a new .air file attached for me to try. Worked like a dream, the lift_scalar now works, and I have the Saab flying like a dream, for me anyway.

So I would just like to say a public thank you to Bob for the quick response and fix. With the death of his design partner Jean-Pierre Bob could have opted to throw in the towel, and leave us to fend for ourselves. Instead, he is still providing great customer service for the PAD line of aircraft, and in a very timely manner as well. I wish more payware companies would follow his example....

Thanks again, Bob!

Joe "Astoroth" Spencer
Hear! Hear! to that! After discovering the same quirk on that as well as one or two others I found that putting a minus sign in front of the lift_scalar= "value" entry in the aircraft cfg [flaps] section also did the trick so it looks like this; lift_scalar=-1.00. That was before I contacted Bob who, of course, diligently provided his help. I just wanted to ferret out a solution if I could first.