More Me109's coming

Capt. Winters

Charter Member
Hi All,

Just thought I would post a few picks of the F4/R planes I have been working on. These Me109's are based off the Me109F4's that we released a few months back.

Aircraft Credits:
This Bf 109F was converted from the original DR BF 109E model made by Gerard van der Harst.
Additional modellers who added in detail to the main external model were: Mathias Pommerien, Luca Festari, TomFaulds.
Virtual cockpit model Luca Festari, with extra model work by Tom Faulds and Rob Stevenson. (External main model cockpit and converted virtual cockpit work.)
with textures by John Whelan.

What I have done is moved a few hard points to get the 20mm mg151 canon gondola's under the wings. This essentially gives us a Me109f4/R1.

The other pictures are of a F2 with a differance, who can tell me what I'm trying to reproduce here....

when done I'll have several F4/R1 and R7's and two unique F2's, with specific historical textures by John whelan. Thanks to all the original modellers who made such great plane with which I've been lucky enough to be able to tinker with.

regards Rob.
Great news! Love those 109s! I'm pretty sure the two special F-2s are a couple Adolph Galland had modified for his personal use. Did you include the cigar lighter he had installed in the cockpit?:icon_lol:
Are those MG FF 20mm mounted inside the wings? That's pretty damn cool!
what is that tube in front of the(through) windscreen?
Hi All,

Gecko, yep you nailed it, I'm going to try and put together a set of Gallands Me109's from the E1 through to his F4. (providing I can con John into it :) ) no cigar lighter at this stage, my gmax skills are still a bit wanting for ultra fine detailed work.

Old crow, the 20mm are under the wings, the plane with the barrels sticking out of the wing is using rifle calibre machine guns, with just a small bulge under the wing to accomodate the gun and ammo drum etc, Basically Adolf Galland had one of his F2 models set up with the E type wing armament. the second Galland F2 special had the nose mounted Machine guns replaced with Cannon's, I'm still working on the bulges for the canopy so havent posted a pic of that one yet. Galland thought that the average pilot was not capable of good hits with just nose mounted guns and advocated both nose and wing gun installations.

The tube sticking out of the windscreen is a telescopic sight that Galland had mounted to help with aircraft identification from a distance. I may not include this in the final version, it works well and you can change your eyepoint in game to look through it, but I'm having some trouble getting it to incorparate into the Virtual Cockpit model correctly. we'll see how I go.

regards Rob.
Very nice! I've come up with a means of easily lining up the view on a telescopic sight, I use it in the Hs 129. If you like I can take a look?
Hi All,

I have just uploaded the first of the Bf109F4-R/1 planes. another Tropical version for MAW to follow a bit later. The Galland F2 specials are coming along. Daniel I will send the plane to you, to have a look at the telescopic sight, Thanks.

New plane in the German Aircraft section. file name JW_Bf109F4-R1

regards Rob

Messerschmitt BF109F-4/R1 'Friedrich' for CFS3. 2013.
Underwing Cannon armed version.

Aircraft Credits:
This Bf 109F was converted from the original DR BF 109E model made by Gerard van der Harst.
Additional modellers who added in detail to the main external model were: Mathias Pommerien, Luca Festari, Tom Faulds.
Virtual cockpit model Luca Festari, with extra model work by Tom Faulds and Rob Stevenson. (External main model cockpit and converted virtual cockpit work.)
Main model Hi Res textures by John Whelan.
Virtual Cockpit textures by John Whelan.
Mos File by Rob Stevenson.
Historical adaptation and standalones by Rob Stevenson.
Flight model by Bill Wilson
AvHistory. org Flight Model V4.00.144
AvHistory weapons and sounds. (underwing cannon model is Stock CFS3 reworked and made into a standalone weapon).

BF109F-4R1 'Friedrich'
Unit: 2nd Staffel, JG-52
Code: Black 7
Southern Sector,
Eastern Front,
June 1942.

From the 109F series onwards, guns were no longer carried inside the wings. A noteworthy exception was Adolf Galland's field modified Bf 109 F-2, which had a 20 mm MG FF/M installed internally in each wing. Only some of the projected 109K series models, such as the K-6, were designed to carry 30mm MK 108 cannons in the wings.
In place of internal wing armament, additional firepower was provided through a pair of 20mm MG 151/20 cannons installed in conformal gun pods under the wings, Designated the 109F4-R7. Although the additional armament increased the fighter's potency as a bomber destroyer, it had an adverse effect on the handling qualities, reducing its performance in fighter versus fighter combat and accentuating the tendency of the fighter to swing pendulum fashion in flight.

The conformal gun pods, exclusive of ammunition, weighed 298lb and 135 to 145 rounds were provided per gun. The total weight, including ammunition, was 473lb.
Installation of the under wing gun pods was a simple task that could be quickly performed by the unit's armourers, and imposed a reduction of speed of only 5mph. By comparison, the installed weight of a similar armament of two 20mm MG 151/20 cannon inside the wings of the FW 190A-4/U8 was 287lb, without ammunition.

The aircraft depicted is emblazoned with a well known unit insignia depicting a Spitfire like aircraft grabbed in mid flight over the English Channel by a giant fist.
A rare color photo shows another Bf109F with this unit featuring the same unit insignia on its cowling.

The MG151/20 gunpack equipped Bf109Fs began service with JG52 from mid 1942, with the type increasingly sent to the Eastern Front after that, apparently to counter the heavily armored Soviet IL-2 Sturmovik ground attack aircraft. On June 22, 1942, an F-4/R1 piloted by I./JG 52 commander Hauptmann Helmut Benneman shot down a Soviet twin engined Pe-2 bomber, marking JG52's 2000th enemy aircraft destroyed. Over the subsequent two weeks, I/JG 52 racked up another 100 enemy aircraft destroyed against a loss of only three of their own.
Great news! Looking forward to it. BTW, did the western front F-2s and F-4s get released?

PM on its way with my new email, or use the FTP if more convenient.
Hi Daniel,

Thanks fo rthe PM, the ETO F2 and 4's no not released yet. I have 8 profiles and histories to go with them, I just need to send it all over to John for texture work. I've been slack. they are coming.

regards Rob.