More realistic WEP sound


Charter Member
I don't like the stock WEP sound for CFS3 aircraft. The WEP wav file used for most of the US aircraft sounds like an engine with a loose ball bearing and provides no variation for realism. An adjustment in the sound.cfg file will give you a little better sound and it uses each aircraft's own sound. Unfortunately it's limited to inside the cockpit only.

You can do this by copying the text below the [Combustion] tag for the internal engine sound that uses rpm4, and pasting it below the [WEP] tag. Then adjust the last set of numbers on the "rparams" line, raise the number to the right of the decimal point by 2-3 points. That will speed up the rpm4 wav file which simply sounds like the engine is running at a much higher rpm. The higher you make that number the faster it will play the file. 2-3 points though should be sufficient.

There are typically many zero's in the "rparams" number sets but I removed everything beyond hundreths to make it simple. I tried to make a WEP.1 and link it for outside sound but it didn't work. I also tried placing a comma after the file name and using the external file name after that but that didn't work either. If someone comes up with a way please post it!

rparams=0.65, 1.18, 1.0, 1.5
Nice find Lewis! Would also be good if we could figure out how to make it work for multi-engine aircraft.

On a technical note, this seems like this sound best applies to aircraft whose WEP is generated by boosting manifold pressure as it simply increases the load on the engine. But what about aircraft with water-methanol, nitrous oxide or water injection? Would that add a different sound in addition the above?
Good heads had no effect on water injection! :-( Type 3 boost is probably the only aircraft it will work on. I think that was most of the WWII aircraft though wasn't it?
But what about aircraft with water-methanol, nitrous oxide or water injection? Would that add a different sound in addition the above?
No. Nitrous oxide effectively acted as extra air and raised boost back to the supercharger's critical altitude levels (never above, it was actually forbidden to use it at lower altitudes), methanol and water injection acted as an anti-detonant, cleaning and cooling the engine to allow increasing boost bressure. So technically nitrous oxide should have a sound similar to full boost and nothing else, methanol and water didn't increase boost by themselves but made it possible so a higher strung sound is appropriate for them too.