

cant get the mos editor to work on windows 7. I know I had it working before.

followed Tom's advise and installed directx9.0c followed by manged directx but no luck.

I notice directx9.0c installs almost instantly so I am wondering if anything is even being installed??
What sort of message are you getting Steve? I'm getting .mos files opening and displaying just fine.
Hm! That's the usual message if Managed DirectX hasn't been installed. I suggest getting the June 2010 DirectX 9.0c runtime which is Windows 7 compatible and after installing that you should get Managed DirectX to 'take' properly.

That's the DirectX 9 SDK, all hundreds of megabytes thereof! Is that what the link in my post took you to???
The file to download should be "directx_Jun2010_redist.exe" I just checked my link and it's okay.

Specify a folder where the download will extract all the runtime files. When done, there will be a Setup or suchlike .exe in that folder and that installs DirectX 9.0c to your system.
I dunno then Steve. Maybe check to make sure .NET is enabled? Control Panel - Programs - Turn Windows features on or off. Other than that I haven't an earthly.
I tried it in win 7 and I get an incompatible message.

Program incompatible or file incompatible? To open an existing .mos file you must give the editor the location of the main texture files (Options/Directories...). You then import the .mos file, rather than File/Open.
Try running this:​
Attached Files

Hey, it worked!

was using a copy of mdxredist that i got off the knowledgebase sticky.

For some reason, some versions don't appear to work! This one came from the old DPC site, and I guard it with my life!
You're not kidding Nigel, I'm seeing one version at little over a megabyte unzipped whereas the DPC version is 4.84 MB (5,080,650 bytes) as a zip file! :icon_eek: