Mosquito problems



:help:I'm using a CH products yoke, and none of the mosquitos in CFS3 will stay with the nose trimmed down. i can't fly these aircraft as a result, and have tried recalibrating, and trimming with the NUM 7 key and the trim wheel on the yoke. Nothing is fixing this problem, so if you have any ideas on how to fix this, please tell me :help:

I am totally at your mercy, but i'm annoyed that the mosquitos don't work; what is the point in having them if they won't fly?
Odd! Do the trim controls work with other aircraft? You might check the Control Options in the game to see which key is actually assigned and whether the trim wheels are assigned to the yoke.

I fly the AVH 1%, and other Mossies and have no problem trimming them via the keyboard. I don't use your yolk however. I cannot recall anyone else complaining of this either Dottodot, so I'm guessing it's a compatilbilty issue with your yolk.

I'm having a similar issue. I've got a x52 flight stick and have the trims setup on a hat switch. The aileron trims and rudder trims seem to work as expected. The elevator trim as seen using the z-key doesn't act like a trim. I've tried this on the hurri's, spits, and kittyhawk. The spits seem to hold the elevator much better than the other planes althou it is a constant fiddle to maintain a given altitude. I haven't tried just using the keyboard without mapping to my joystick. I'll give that a shot and see if the hat switch might be the culprit.


Edit: Quick test still shows most lighter aircraft fighting trim with my X-52 and using only keyboard.
W/ keyboard 'end' for trim nose up, 'home' for nose down,

ctrl+ left arrow for trim roll left and ctrl+ right arrow for trim roll right...

I found w/ these "easy to find" control mappings (which are also default)

trimming was quick and soon became 2nd nature... and that's just what the doctor prescribed for flying combat :engel016::rocket:
W/ keyboard 'end' for trim nose up, 'home' for nose down,

ctrl+ left arrow for trim roll left and ctrl+ right arrow for trim roll right...

I found w/ these "easy to find" control mappings (which are also default)

trimming was quick and soon became 2nd nature... and that's just what the doctor prescribed for flying combat :engel016::rocket:

Thanks popsaka,
My quickie card didn't mention about the home and end keys for nose up and down. I had forgotten about those since I"ve been away from the sim. I tried using them and nose still kept dropping on me. Appears I need flying lessons.

They are slow to adjust (as they should be) so ya might hafta sit on that 'home' key
and if you press 'z' you can check yer progress...

However, unless yer flaps are down maybe the 'air' file is bogus...
What's the date on it?
They are slow to adjust (as they should be) so ya might hafta sit on that 'home' key
and if you press 'z' you can check yer progress...

However, unless yer flaps are down maybe the 'air' file is bogus...
What's the date on it?

Hi Pop,
I can get the nose to move using the home and end just won't stick and then proceeds to dropping as soon as I let go of the key. These are ETO 1.2 birds. The hurri IIa and IIc are both version flight models. The hurri IIb is a 2.85 flight model. File dates are 8/12/2008 for the newer files and 9/14/2004 for the Kitty. I haven't personally modified any of these files. I was trying to keep everything stock until I get my feet wet with a little on-line flying. I've finally got a connection that will allow me to join up with some of the flyers around here.

Dropping? Sorry, I misread... Is your airspead up to at least 175 knots (or so)?

...and yes I also got fiber optic for the 1st time and was getting nerve up ta join... who, I'm not sure, maybe O-1...
Wish I could get me feet wet w/ just 1 or 2 folks 1st (I'm really such a chicken, huh?)
I think I need teamspeak and what else I dunno...

BTW... do you have more than one device/controller hooked up?
I know if I leave my old Sidewinder in the game port, the USB Saitek will drop out here and there...
I am at full throttle during my tests. Speed is around 270 mph if I remember right. That shouldn't be a speed problem. I only have the Saitek hooked up. No other controllers. If it works out, I'd be glad to take a test flight with ya sometime. I'm not looking to rush into this until I can get some of the bugs and my rust of just flying cleaned up.
