Mosquitos for Henry

Thank you for the link Doug, I love the movie footage. ;) Two Mosquitos will be taking to the air again in 2010; one in Canada, one in New Zealand (heading back to the U.S. after completion) with a third soon following will be great to see them represented in the air once more, and hopefully see two or more actually flying together besides.
theres something decidedly odd about the first couple of mosquitoes shown, they appear to have a painted over bomb-aimers windows with possibly fake machine gun barelles over them, what does any/everybody else think?
theres something decidedly odd about the first couple of mosquitoes shown, they appear to have a painted over bomb-aimers windows with possibly fake machine gun barelles over them, what does any/everybody else think?

The film footage is from the 1964 movie "633 Squadron" in which some Mosquitos were disguised as the fighter bomber type.

Film on the Mosquito RAF

Regarding FNergs film for Henry about Mosquitos, I watched it , looks like from film 633 Squadron, well some of it, but no matter, as a lovers of Mosquitos I enjoyed it , thank you.
I went to Waddington air show in July, and later wrote to them asking why we never see Mosqitos, for in my opinion it was as important as Lanc , Spit and Hurricane in the war... They replied , there isnt one flying in the UK thats why.. Thats bad isnt it, really.
Have got a short moving shot of Lanc landing on my digital camera if anyone wants to see it and I can send it , ok?
Regarding FNergs film for Henry about Mosquitos, I watched it , looks like from film 633 Squadron, well some of it, but no matter, as a lovers of Mosquitos I enjoyed it , thank you.
I went to Waddington air show in July, and later wrote to them asking why we never see Mosqitos, for in my opinion it was as important as Lanc , Spit and Hurricane in the war... They replied , there isnt one flying in the UK thats why.. Thats bad isnt it, really.
Have got a short moving shot of Lanc landing on my digital camera if anyone wants to see it and I can send it , ok?
If I remember correctly the last flying Mossie was the BAe one which sadly crashed at Barton aerodrome a few years back. Woodworm?
If I remember correctly the last flying Mossie was the BAe one which sadly crashed at Barton aerodrome a few years back. Woodworm?

No, it was wrongly-reassembled carburetters after an overhaul by a company in Jersey (the Channel Islands, not New England). The engines alternately cut and surged during low-G flight in a wingover, during a display, and the aircraft entered a spin from which the pilot was recovering when the aircraft hit the ground. No blame attached to the crew or the airframe.
