I've really been a great fan of that paint scheme (a fantastic choice by FHCAM). Aspects of the paint work were even sprayed on or brushed on depending on what they were originally - FHCAM had a factory photo or two showing the roundels being applied by hand with brushes, so that is what they did too, and of course all of the personal markings were hand-painted on.
This Mosquito, TV959, is the third airworthy example in the world (first flying last year in New Zealand), based in Everett, Washington, joining VR796 located in Vancouver, Canada and KA114 located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A fourth flying Mosquito is set to be completed by next spring, that being PZ474, which is in an advanced state at this time at Avspecs, and will eventually be based/flying in Texas after a period of flight testing is completed in New Zealand next year.