Motor not hitting the high notes


Retired SOH Admin
I downloaded and installed Wolfi's Helldiver, created a sound pack for it, and was testing the sound pack....and the upper RPM ranges were not playing. I double checked the sound pack, and it was fine. Use another plane to try the sound pack on, and it worked wonderfully. Used the Texan sound pack by Farmboy and tweaked by Fnerg on the Helldiver, and the plane simply is not hitting the upper RPM least not sound wise.

I fired up Air Ed and took a look at section 505, and the line *Engine Power Sound Level? (HP) and it was set at 1900. I adjusted that down and tested, lowered it more and tested, lowered it all the way down to 50 HP and still the plane does not want to hit the upper RPM ranges. It does RPM 1 and RPM 2 just fine, but not RPM 3 and 4.

Where else might there be something limiting the plane/sim from calling up the upper RPM sounds from the sound pack?

Think you might be going the 'wrong' way by reducing power levels,
IIRC something from one of Milton's tutorials..waay back... the higher the power level
in the .cfg (not .air file) the more sound there is


Have you double checked the vparams= in the sound.cfg these will need to be tweaked to the engine performance/rpm

I have no idea what the Vparam lines do, what they mean, how to adjust them. I know just enough to take existing sound packs and tweak the sound.cfg to make single, double, triple, quad engine set ups, to take existing sound files into some freeware wav editors and enhance and tweak them. Basically, I know just enough to be dangerous.

But now I know that I must go find the SDKs that cover sound packs so I can learn what the vparams and rparams are about.


DUH: I have tried 4 different sound packs on the Helldiver...sound packs that work fully on other aircraft in CFS2 and FS2004...and the same thing happens each time.....the first half of the RPM range will play, but the upper half of the RPM range will not...internal and external views are the same in this regard. RPM 1 and 2 will play, but RPM 3 and 4 will not. Starter, Start up, shut down, canopy open and close, flaps, landing gear....those all work. Something in the Helldiver is preventing the play of RPM 3 and 4 in every sound pack I have tried...and 3 of the 4 sound packs are either stock Lawdog packs or packs I "made" by tweaking/morphing a Lawdog sound pack. The Helldiver sound pack is based on Lawdog's A-20 sound pack...which works just fine in FS2004.
I have a similar(?) problem using a different sound pack for Eckert's B-26. The sound stutters at low RPMS on approach as the gauges jiggle in harmony. I don't know about gauges and the params you are talking about but hope to learn. A new panel fixed this problem.

Take the time to learn about the vparams and rparams. This area controls volume of sounds by location around/in teh aircraft, and the rparams control pitch of sounds.

I will try to paste this portion of the SDK ... maybe it will work.

The following table describes parameters used in the engine sound sections of an aircraft’s sound.cfg file:

Example Description
filename=ce1a The name of the .wav file to play. The .wav extension should not be specified. Flight Simulator searches the Sound folder in the specific aircraft container first, and then (if the file isn't found) searches the Flight Simulator Sound folder.
flags=0 Flags have different functions when associated with different sounds.

For all sounds
0 = no flag
1 = disable sound

For [Combustion] sounds:
2 = damaged
4 = boost (Imported Combat
Flight Simulator aircraft only)
8 = jet engine rumble sound

For [Prop] sounds
2 = max prop pitch
4 = min prop pitch
8 = min reverse prop pitch

viewpoint viewpoint=1 Determines whether the sound is audible in internal cockpit views (specified by the value 1), or in external spot and tower views (specified by the value 2).


Defines the sound’s amplitude envelope. Represents the sound's volume as a function. Each pair of values specified in vparams represents a single point; you can use up to 8 points to describe the amplitude envelope. The first number in the pair is a generic value that can range from 0.0 to 1.0, the second number specifies volume. (The units for volume are linear, with a value of 50 meaning –3dB of attenuation, and 0 meaning silence.)

rparams rparams=0.000000,1.000000,

Defines the sound’s pitch envelope. Represents the sound's relative pitch (and, invariably, the playback speed) as a function of a generic value that can range from 0.0 to 1.0. Each pair of values specified in rparams represents a single point; you can use up to 2 points to describe the pitch envelope.

The format and behavior of rparams is similar to vparams, except that the second value of each point represents a pitch scaler. A value of 1.0 specifies that the sound file is played at unity pitch. A value of 2.0 specifies that the file is played an octave higher and twice as fast.


Determines where the sound is placed in the stereo field:

0 = center
-10,000 = full left
10,000 = full right


References the next sound in a sound list (by section heading name). Most engine sounds are made up of several .wav files, and each .wav file has its own section in the .cfg file. The last sound in a sound list has no link parameter. The order of sounds in a list is not important.
Think you might be going the 'wrong' way by reducing power levels,
IIRC something from one of Milton's tutorials..waay back... the higher the power level
in the .cfg (not .air file) the more sound there is




Back in the days of FSEdit, many parameters were in the aircraft.cfg to assist in developing the air file with FSEdit.

This parameter you refer to "max_rated_hp = 230 Maximum rated brake horsepower output of the engine." was one of them.

It may also increase the volume of the sounds as once believed but I do not know today with certainty if it does that still, or adds any value other than informational.
I have tested the Helldiver sound pack I put together on 4 other aircraft, and it works flawlessly on them. I tested the Helldiver with 5 other sound packs that I know work flawlessly, and still the Helldiver is not calling up the upper RPM sounds. Starter, Start Up, RPM1, RPM2, Shut Down, Canopy Open, Canopy Close, Gear Extension, Gear Retraction, Flaps...all of those work in the Helldiver. RPM 3 and RPM 4 are not working on the Helldiver...regardless of the sound pack used.

What in the air or config file, maybe even in the panel config, would prevent the sim from playing RPM 3 and RPM 4 level sounds with this plane? It is NOT a sound pack is an issue with the plane..De Plane, Boss, De Plane!

OBIO, the parameters are the key to your problem. Understand what Milton has provided for you and then experiment.
For every throttle increment forward ( and back) , the rpm and volume parameters change. An engine sound has as many as 3 or 4 wav files being accessed at the same time at any particular point. The parameters control when the sound begins according to the throttle position, when it ends, what rate it is played back at, how it mixes in with the other sounds. Not very user friendly as numbers and decimals, but start to tweak and you'll soon learn and it will all make sense.
Little bit of inside info here, on Wozza's P-51D sound, the gun port whistle at full throttle is actually me whistling into a mic, and then pitch adjusted and instructed to fade off quickly at less than full throttle by control with the parameters. I determined the pitch of the whistle according to airshow footage on Youtube, and then adjusted until I got it. So you can actually create your own sounds from internet resources or self recordings.

Also I prefer a sample rate of 44.1. You get richer wav samples at no cost of FPS.
Okay, so basically a sound pack that I use on nearly a dozen different aircraft, with no issues at all, must be adjusted to work on the Helldiver. And nearly a dozen other sound packs that I use on one or more other aircraft, in CFS2 and FS2004, also fail to work properly with the Helldiver because the parameters in the sound config files need tweaked to fit the Helldiver...but they some how manage to work properly with the other planes that I use them on.

How is it that all these sound packs work fine on every other plane that I have used them with, but not on the Helldiver? What is it about the Helldiver that makes a dozen sound packs not work?

Does anyone see that maybe it's not the sound config files...maybe its the PLANE!

Does anyone else have Wolfi's FS2004 Helldiver installed? Anyone else having issues with the plane not playing the high RPM sounds?


Back in the days of FSEdit, many parameters were in the aircraft.cfg to assist in developing the air file with FSEdit.

This parameter you refer to "max_rated_hp = 230 Maximum rated brake horsepower output of the engine." was one of them.

It may also increase the volume of the sounds as once believed but I do not know today with certainty if it does that still, or adds any value other than informational.

Thanks Milton..I knew you'd come and correct things


Got it fixed. I dumped the FS2004 config and air files, dropped in the files from the CFS2 version of Wolfi's Helldiver..and now the plane pulls up all engine sounds.
