Mouse Look - Is It Possible in OFF P3?



I just received and installed P3 today and it is fantastic.

If possible, I would like to control my view in the cockpit with the mouse.

Is this possible? If so, how do I set it up?

'fraid not, you'll either have to make do with snap view or hit scroll lock to enable panning views with hat switch or number pad.....unless you shell out for TrackIR that is.

Well a game like ww2online has a great snap view system imho, but in this one (CFS3's fault) it is not great.

so i went and ordered trackir. Shipped today should have it in 2 days. Hope i like it.

Is OFF 6 degrees of freedom?
I was wondering about this as well. Is this a hard coded problem with CFS3 or is it just not a feature that the developers wanted to implement? I've been getting by alternating between snap view and padlock but as a south-paw flyer, having one hand on the stick and one hand on the mouse would rock, one of the few positive things about IL-2
Well a game like ww2online has a great snap view system imho, but in this one (CFS3's fault) it is not great.

so i went and ordered trackir. Shipped today should have it in 2 days. Hope i like it.

Is OFF 6 degrees of freedom?

I'd say it's 5.1 . . but not to worry, you're in an open cockpit. What you're missing you'll NEVER notice !