Mowhawks in BoB missions.


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Iv`e noticed a few AI Mohawk aircraft in BoB missions,iv`e researched the type and they don`t seem to have taken part or am i mistaken.
Looking into the mission they don`t appear in the mission but must be embedded somewhere so are a few Lysander aircraft,is there a way of editing this as i like to be as accurate as possible.

If they are not in the missions xml file and there is no evidence of any spawn setting in the xml file, then they must come from general spawns. Have you checke3d either the xml file (with notepad or similar, or in the missions builder ap, to see what spawns are called for?

I can`t see anything in the mission file,i`ll post it here.

These lines are in most BoB missions,can these be deleted without messing up the file?

Country="Britain" IsHidden="y" Spawns="Z-BF-MED-BI-sm.spawns" IsOneShot="y"/>

Country="Britain" IsHidden="y" Spawns="Z-Fr-Grnd veh-1.spawns" IsOneShot="y"/>



  • Spawns.txt
    158 bytes · Views: 0
Any spawns can be deleted but you should also be able to check what's in the spawns. Also you could change the aircraft xml file to say no to spawning. I'll have a look a bit later.

EDIT: Well neither of those spawns call for either aircraft. Only Hurricanes and Spitfires and ground vehicels. Try changing the Mohawk and Lysander xmls to not span and see if you get the same result.

What were the mission names?
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These Mohawks!

These RAF Mohawks show up in many missions,they are not the ETO Mohawk as i took that one out and still they showed up.
I`m a little baffled here as i searched all files relating to spawns facilities etc and nothing,like ghosts they appear.

Here`s that spawn file View attachment

Just spotted two more "Hawk-75/4 1940-2976" and 2947 iv`e no idea where they originate,the mystery deepens!

I take it you actually have all those Mohawks? Interesting as I only have the ETO one and don't find any of the others in my various installs.

In any case I suspect they are coming from spawns just calling for "#fighters", or similar "#xxxxxx" types. See sticky on spawns #32 in particular. All you can do is go to the aircraft xml file and change
AllowSpawn="y" to AllowSpawn="n"

The other issue with the Ruff spawns is that in many cases, I don't see any xxxx.xml files which the xxxx.SPAWN files seem to call for. Maybe I am missing something about those spawn file setups.:dizzy:
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I have found the blighters W40_H75A2 there are 4 no`s 82,84,161,183 but all are French

This part of the xml file Category="fighter_bomber" Country="France_Free" AllowSpawn="n" does this mean they shouldn`t spawn?

I can`t see any others apart from the ETO job.]

What you think?


Well i`m stumped as i haven`t changed anything the "n'' was there to start with so i guess they may be elsewhere,i`ll see if i can get close to one and look at it`s markings.

Hi Alcanallan,
Just looked in my ETO BoB at those 4 Hawk H75's and they have an AI version
in each folder with AllowSpawn="y", so that's where they're coming from.
AI Mohawks all French

Thanks for the info,iv`e found one and latched on to it,all French markings with Brit pilots,i missed the AI xpd`s when i first found the WO_40 versions but now iv`e changed them all plus some Lysanders that buzzed around in the middle of a dogfight,all seems good now.

Thanks to you both,

John aka alcanallen.
Iv`e noticed a few AI Mohawk aircraft in BoB missions,iv`e researched the type and they don`t seem to have taken part or am i mistaken.
Looking into the mission they don`t appear in the mission but must be embedded somewhere so are a few Lysander aircraft,is there a way of editing this as i like to be as accurate as possible.


hi Alcanallen, IIRC the Mohawk would be a plausible Whatif aircraft for BoB. A large chunk of a 1939 French order for the P-36 ended up with the British. (happy to be corrected on this). I would have thought there would be some potted historical notes with the Mohawk and other versions of the p36, in ETO.