mp game sunday 730ish edt all welcome



hope to have a game up by 730 sunday nite.

all welcome,

get teamspeak if at all possible, as it is hard to fly and also try and get back to the forum to check for posts for people having connextion problems. all you need is the client (5.5mb)

The settings for teamspeak are as follows...
Label: OFF outlaw server
Server Address: (note..that is a colon before the 8767)
Nickname What ever you chose
Anonymous should be checked.
Pass Word camel

also, for any new players, before joing the game, go to your hanger drop down ,(escpe key also brings it down) select multiplayer option, and change "player" to whatever you want to have as a name in the game. Not sure if the connection speed affects game play, but seems like everyone says set it to t1.

and, not realy sure if there is a proceedure for people joining a game in progress, (ie if they have to do a "fix" or not". I know there is for the host.

So, if anyone reading this knows the answer to this question, would apprecaite them filling me in.

and finally, in last nites mp game, my plane would fly great at times, and then start flying like it was a piece of tissue in the middle of a hurricane, and thats no exageration. So it would be nice if we could swithch hosts at some time, just to see if game play at my end is any better.
mp game

edt (boston mass) sunday evening

lol..u gonna stay up?
I should be able to try it, see if I get the dreaded Plane mismatch again.. Are you using the P3 AI (start OFF regularly, then shut down Offmanager and come back in via CFS3.exe, or P2 connect (direct from CFS3.exe)?
At work at 0500 so will have to give it a miss,on nights in 2 weeks so can stop up all sunday if your flying then.

gary,,,not sure WHERE i am,,,,,lol

this is how i did it,,,and maybe you can tell me...

started off...
multiplayer from off manager
selected turkey shoot from "select active pilot"
when got to screen with 2 medals,,select multiplayer medal
when next window loaded (with the host/join) went into task manager,,and killed off...
then hit host game,,,,,,etc etc etc

its up now,,,(721 edt)if you think i did it wrong,,,post it here,,,and will redo

i always forget the ip..........

will monoter the forum more than the game for the next 15 mins or so,,,,will be on teamspeak in about 15 mins

ok,,,gonna try new host,,,,sir rod will host.....(my game hung second he joined,,,)

ip is

ok,,,he is having trouble getting his game up,,,so if you cant connect just yet,,,bear with us.....
mp game

ok,,,gonna put my game up,,,,,,,using just the cfs3.exe,,,ip is same

thanks alot all,,that was fun..

will leave game up .....