mp game tues 730ish edt



will try to have a game up around 730.

will host a team dogfight for no other reason than it is the one option that has not been played yet (at least not by me).

will post ip when game is up.
mp teamdogfight

if 3 or fewer are in game, can run as just a dogfight, if we manage to get 4 in, run as team dogfight.

also, no secret there are some problems with mp.

should we feel the need to post problems in the forum, try to limit them to attempts to resolve the problems.

swamp, not sure if you are having problems gettting in or not,,,,if so, i will kill game, and restart the old way.....
Yes can't seem to be able to join tonight.
At first i went through the OFF manager, my mistake.
But then same through the "shortcut"
Will keep trying

ok,,,let me kill my game,,and restart it,,,,it could be me give me 5 mins
game down,,,jumped over to deadmeats game...

in deadmeats game...
lol...hoped to join tonight but missed it, will be there next time...