lol..ok,,,i see your point...
just remember,,,the main computer i use is at work ( i work alone), so its pretty much wanting a break, and getting on to have some fun...
but the one last nite was on another computer i had brought home, nothing fancy, (2.93c 2gig pc3200 256mb pci video), I wanted to see if performance improved without a wireless card for internet connection.
had no throttle as the game progressed (figured out later the cable to the throttle/rudder had come loose) and was getting late, so I just left the game up, cause they where still killing each other...I had read a post that after the limits of the game (25 kills in this instance,) the game would respawn. I would be interested if zommoz or rooster could tell me if that is what happned,,im sure they reached the limit...
The game was still up in the am which brings me to my point......
I have no problem just putting up a game,,,,landing (hell,,,this is what i have been doing for 2 months now...) and let ppl join and play as the want..not sure how much the host computer plays in the overall quality of the game, neither of mine are great systems (2.4 with 1gig ram at work).
Obviously, other could do the same, which would be good, cause I'm just going to put up dogfights for now...I'm sure ppl would like to do team and mission as well..
And i do know about "the boys of 60",,,,,,it just been my impresion that would be akin to walking into the lions den...
So later on, I'll start a game, (be forwardned,,i do have some connection problems here,,,,I keep dropping down to less than 5mbs), and post it in the forum, and just keep the game running all nite...