Mr. Ito's Ercoupe (VC)


Staff member
I've run into something I am lost on. The renewed interest in the Ercoupe ("full" is working on a brand new model that can be seen on the FSX Forum) has me piddling with Ito Sans version. As is my custom, the exterior got an upgrade with hi-res textures and the VC panel is almost complete with a new look. Here's the problem I'm having. The panel cfg has entries for vc00 and vc01, however when I load it into FSPanel Studio the only one visible is vc01 (which is just the compass). The actual panel (vc00) cannot be altered as it isn't viewable for some reason. If I make any changes to the panel at all, even if I just remove a warning light and then save and close FSPanel Studio, it writes an updated panel.cfg file and completely removes the VC main panel entry (vc00).

Can someone explain that one to me? lol:isadizzy:
Well, I went back to some of Ito's other panel.cfg files and found a few discrepancies in the one for the Ercoupe. He uses basically the same references for his VC placeholders ($G1_Mat) and his numbering system is also pretty much the same. I noticed that he rarely uses a [Vcockpit00]. So I renumbered the two vc entries to show a Vcockpit01 and Vcockpit02. That did the trick, the main VC is now viewable in FSPanel Studio and editing is saved correctly. I also found a misspelled word, although I don't know how much that effected anything. . . .In his first entry for [Window00] the file name is "Main_Panel.bmp", but the ident= line references it as "Mail_Panel".

Anyway, the biggest problem is fixed and I'm back at it to get the VC bmp finished. Just trying to find a reference for what the placards are supposed to say. They're so out of focus it's difficult to tell.
Yep, I spotted this thread when I was trying to find any suitable mods that might have been posted since this was originally released. I know the Ercoupe does't top out at 185kts, lol. . . .but it does make it a bit more interesting, lol.

Various members here contributed to changing the whole a/c so it now flys like a coupe not a jet!! there are around 11 or 12 repaints for it most or all done by John Humphres(John049). One of the MAC club members redid the panel bmp for me then I regauged it to more of what my coupe was like,even so there is more on the panel that I had in mine.
Not sure if you can find any online, but in the past I have used actual aircraft decals to make the images for panels. There are several vendors for adhesive decals for certificated aircraft out there. Even if you can't find a set specific to the Ercoupe looking at the sets for similar GA types might give you enough to make up a set for the little Coupe.

If you ever need close up pics of the Ercoupe we have one in the Classic Flyers museum out at my local airport.

Just as a way of showing what "could" be done with Ito's creations using hi-res textures (and formatted to dds-DXT5). . . .compare the two below. The one on the left was done with 4096x4096 bitmap textures saved as 32bit. . . .the one on the right same sized textures formatted as "dds-DXT5". Admittedly, this isn't possible in FS9 due to texture size restrictions, but if you fly both sims. . . .there is this possibility.