casey jones
Charter Member
I am at the momet attemping to create the air field at Lae New Guinea, and Rabaul. When I started my project I finally noticed that MS has placed Lae some 20 miles where away from its real location which is on the coast of New Guinia, and MS placed Rabaul in New Guinea when Rabaul is actually in New Britain! I am surprised that no one even caught this glaring error, I have always had a strong interest in Lae, Ameila Earhart took off from there in 1937, I found some photographs of Lae taken the day she landed there, Lae was operated by New Guinea Airways useing Lockheed 10As. MS has Nabzad as Lae! (I may spelled it wrong) My dad parachuted into Nabzad in 1944. Only scenery I saw for Lae was done for FS2002 which was very good but it was not historily acurate...but good.