MSFS 2024 Global Preview Presentation

Here's another video showing some of the stunning qualities of MSFS 2024. Note the mountains here are just run-of-the-mill, not photogrammetry, but likely in one of the many areas now using LiDAR elevation data, and how detailed the cliff walls look, especially with the 3D detail, as well as how detailed the surface of the glacier is. Also, as seen in other videos shared by Alpha users, this one too shows the very lifelike appearance of 3D rocks/pebbles and sand around the shores of water, everywhere in the world. Note that, with the Alpha, the 3D grass and AI-generated boulders were turned off/not displayed, so that must also be considered when viewing this video - details which will only add to these scenes in the full sim.

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I started watching the video a couple of days ago. I might finish tomorrow. I have a better graps on why they went to the cloud and I agree with that decision.
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